October 20, 2013
Dear Friend,
Sadly, this note of thanks is long overdue yet it could not come at a better time as we are well into the month of October – breast cancer awareness month.
On behalf of my husband, Sal, and my children, Jameson, Chase, and Cameron, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your participation in this year’s Liberty Tax Fundraising events. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated more than you’ll ever know. May’s events were a touching experience. I can’t even begin to describe the flooding of emotion that overtook me in seeing the beautiful display of donated baskets at The Brickhouse, the feeling of being reunited with old friends who came to show their support, the excitement in seeing new friends, and the humbling turnout of golfers who braved the very cold May day to participate.
My family appreciates the love and support bestowed upon us by all of you, our wonderful family, our dear friends, and the supportive members of our community more than words can express. My family has felt the overwhelming outpouring of kindness every step of the way since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of last year. Saying “thank you” does not seem sufficient to convey how appreciative we truly are, but I’m at a loss for what else to say or do. So, thank you once again. I am inspired by your generosity and thoughtfulness.
Throughout the past several years, Liberty Tax has served as, what I believe, a role model for other businesses in that they look for ways to give back to their community. Liberty Tax encompasses the values that each one of us should hold dear – a generous nature and a kind heart. Liberty Tax is not obligated to plan community fundraising events every Memorial Day weekend yet they do. Mark and Jeanna Mihalka, Joe and Amy Mihalka, and Bob and Christy Savakinas have sacrificed time with their own families, once again, to ensure that everything run smoothly this year. They succeeded in planning two extremely successful events in order to give their time, talent, and treasure to others.
Thanks to Liberty Tax and because of YOU and YOUR generosity and hard work, $13,372.27 was raised for breast cancer awareness this past May. I have placed a total of nearly $15,000 (and growing!) in a special account for the time being. Sal and I would much rather give than receive and we’re trying to instill this virtue in our children as well. Our family is extremely fortunate in many ways – we have health insurance, for one, and are blessed with an amazing support system – an army of people, really, encompassed by each one of you. We don’t feel comfortable using the funds that have been raised for our family but would rather put the gift towards something that will impact a larger number of people – breast cancer research, namely. I have been spending a good deal of time seeking out opportunities to best put this money into action as I am near the completion of my overall therapy. I promise to keep you informed on how we are making an impact on the war against breast cancer.
For some reason, part of my life’s mission has become sharing my story with others. During this month of October, I would like to encourage each and every one of you to know your bodies – go for routine check-ups and take charge of your health. Be your own advocate! Women, please schedule your mammograms and be diligent in doing monthly self checks. Encourage other women in your life to do the same. As they say, early detection is the best protection. If you feel as though something doesn’t feel quite right, be persistent. Keep using your voice until someone will listen to you. And, most importantly, never, ever give up hope.
In closing, I would like to encourage you to donate generously to cancer research. It is through funding that we continuously inch our way towards a cure for this terrible disease. If you pray, please remember in your prayers those who are going through a difficult time that are not as fortunate – those who may not have anyone supporting them or praying for them. As you continue to pray for me and my family, please say a special prayer for these individuals, also. Having the support of my community has made things so much easier for my entire family.
Thanks again for all that you have done for us, The Sciandra Family. Your benevolence will never be forgotten.
LIVESTRONG and God Bless!
With Love and Deep Gratitude,
Barbara A. Sciandra