Pronounced Shu-ggah with a Southern drawl.
The oldest of four children born into a middle class European family, Sugar received her green card in August of 2012 when she migrated to the United States for a better life, becoming a part of the Sciandra Family. Sugar’s HD Fiber is 100% polyester and was made in Japan whereas her hair goods were made in Indonesia. The combination of the two ignited a lifelike look and became a must have for Barbara Sciandra.
Sugar enjoys interpretive dance, hiding behind Sal’s laptop computer, being thrown around by Jameson and Chase, feeling the wind blowing in her blonde bombshell of a synthetic mane, and spending peaceful nights relaxing on her creepy mannequin head. Sugar’s greatest fears in life are the opening of the oven door, hair regrowth, and ending up in a storage container with Halloween costumes. Sugar is looking for a mate who is sturdy, soft, shorter, and also lifelike. She prefers brunettes who are a few years older yet not over worn.
If she hasn’t already, Sugar looks to forward to meeting you soon!
I met Sugar and just love her. She fits right in with our family.
Holy crap, Barb, I just laughed so hard my stomach hurt! This is serious, stop that! ha ha 🙂
Well hello there Sugar!
Welcome to the family!
I met Sugar and I think she is a natural! Your comments are totally amazing and she seems to just fit right in.
Wow Barb, you have one crazy sense of humor and I love it! I actually met Sugar and I think she is lovely.
Looks like she fits in perfectly and I think I just might be able to dig out the perfect companion for Sugar… Wink wink.
I met sugar, but didn’t know it until now?
i don’t think Sugar is at all creepy, that fake head is beyond spokey though!
Love it!!!
Sugar, you’re a beauty. I wish I could say the same about that sad excuse of a mannequin that you often rest on. Thank goodness for my sister! She saved you, girl!
You’re hilarious! Careful, it looks like Shu-ggha may have a wild side!Sorry, I saw you the other day with Sugar and I had no idea it wasn’t your hair. Good fit I’d say. But you look beautiful with or without….