

Breast Cancer Ribbon

The Honey Badger

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I’m baaaccckkkkk!!!!  I realized that it’s been a while since I’ve posted and I apologize.  Here’s what’s been going on:

I had chemo last Wednesday.  Everything went well except that it’s making me pretty tired.  The tiredness seems to last for about 5 days – it’s extreme right after chemo and gets better and better as I get closer to the one week post mark.  I’m lucky, though, that I’m still able to function almost 100% as a Mom.  If being tired is the worst thing that happens to me, then life is still really, really good.  Friends of ours rented a campfire space at Roba’s Pumpkin Patch on Saturday.  It was awesome!  If you’re at all familiar with the book, “The Lord of the Flies,” and kids taking over the world, think of Roba’s!  It’s complete kid anarchy!  Jameson and Chase had a soccer game on Sunday and we had some cool out family time, as well.

Sal and I drove into NYC on Monday afternoon for my appointment at Sloan Kettering this morning.  Here’s what we did:

For some reason, fresh air just feels better to me.  I like being outside so much more than I ever have before.  I lived in NYC for a while and have visited there dozens of times, but I never took the time to walk through Central Park.  So, that’s what we did.  Monday was an absolutely beautiful day.  We sat in the grass for a while and just breathed.  We had dinner in Little Italy which is always nice and got a good night’s rest before this morning’s appointment.  I wore Sugar to dinner.  That damn wig is so hot, you have no idea!

This morning, we woke up and I decided to venture out of the hotel sans wig.  I had a revelation.  The world does not revolve around Barbara Sciandra.  No one cares what I look like besides me.  Yes, wearing a hat makes me look like there might be something going on, but I just need to feel more comfortable with people staring for 3 seconds.  I’m building up my confidence, slowly but surely.

The physician at Sloan, Dr. Chandarlapaty, was super nice and extremely knowledgeable.  He sees patients only once a week because he’s big into researching new breast cancer treatment regiments.  Thank God for people like him.  Our reasoning for going to Sloan was two-fold.  We wanted to be sure that we’re right on track and treating this cancer as aggressively as possible.  We also wanted to make sure that I’m in the system if the need for advice ever arises in the future.  This still scares the hell out of me.  Sal keeps reminding me that, statistically, I have a greater chance of choking on a marble than I do of cancer returning.  I got the sense from the doctor that he’s a spiritual person.  He spoke of cancer being not only a physical disease but also a mental disease because of the games that it plays with you.  The doctor encouraged me to keep living my life and to not focus on cancer.  Some days, I have to admit, this becomes a challenge.  I really do try to stay very positive, but fear does creep up once in a while.

On a funnier note, ladies, you know that once you have a baby, all sense of self is out the window.  Well, through this breast cancer diagnosis process, I feel as though I’ve become a part of Philadelphia’s “Please Touch Museum”.  I’ve been poked and prodded and examined so much that it’s actually comical.  Sal asked me today if I minded and I can honestly say that I’m not bothered in the least.

So, are you curious about the title of this post?  Good!  If you’re reading this around children, please don’t watch the following video.  If you’re opposed to foul language, please don’t watch the following video.  If you’re in the mood to witness absolute nonsense, please watch the following video!  It’s gotten almost 52 million (yes, 52 million) hits on youtube for being ridonkulous!  I’m self proclaiming myself the honey badger while cancer is the king cobra!

I hope you enjoyed the video!  I’m happy to be writing again.  Believe it or not, taking the time to sit and write for a little while actually helps me to clear my head and refocus my attention.  I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and I appreciate your comments.  I have to take the time to thank my Mom and my Aunt Tina for taking such wonderful care of our kids while we were in NYC.  Family is a blessing so be sure to appreciate yours.  Have a great night!

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!


7 Responses to “The Honey Badger”

  1. Donna Recker says:

    Hi Barbara,I`ve been told of your journey through my Aunt who thought I might be interested in your blog. I too was diagnosed with 2nd stage IDC in both breasts .Ive been through it all ,mammos ,biopsies lumpectomies ,port ,chemo (same treatment your having), bilateral mastectomies with immediate expanders, expander replacement and expander removal. Having surgery in two weeks to replace the expander and try this again plus 5 yrs of tamoxifen.I was dx in April 2011@ age 48 and it has been a long road ,many ups and downs.Life certainly has changed and I look at things differently. Iknow exactly how you feel and I am sorry that we have to go through this but it has only made us stronger. You learn to appreciate life and realize that family is a blessing. Good Luck to you and I hope you don`t mind that I follow your blog. I never did keep a journal and definitely regret that.Stay Strong.

  2. Cookus says:

    Please Touch Museum….BBBAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!! That cracked us up, well maybe just me. The Italian woman living with me only laughs AT ME!! Rock on Sugar and Barbara, rock on you honey badger! Love ya buddy!!

  3. Kristy says:

    Nothing can stop the honey badger!!!!!!!!!! F-ing hilarious! Am I going to get kicked off your blog for swearing?!!? Barb, you ROCK!

  4. Ann says:

    Honey badger’s pretty bad ass, just like my sister! The king cobra may make you sleepy with its venom (chemotherapy) but you get right back up and keep eating the cobra because you’re hungry, for the cure! That Barb Sciandra, she don’t give a sh*t!

  5. Lindsay says:

    Honey badger don’t care! Love it!!!

  6. Kristy says:

    I thought you should know that we are still laughing about the honey badger…it just hit me at random times throughout today – and now I have Ryan talking about it too! haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

  7. Amiee Evans Fox says:

    Hi Barb
    My family & I are praying for you! You are always In my thoughts! I have no doubt that you will kick Cancers ass! You have always been a strong person and an awesome athlete…You are teaching your children amazing life values! They will get you through the tough days….keep smiling and I will keep in touch! Xoxoxo Amiee

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