

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Play Like a Champion Today

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If you’re a Penn State fan……..I forgive you!  If you’ve never been to Notre Dame’s campus in South Bend, Indiana, put it on your bucket list.  Even if you are a Penn State fan, God forbid, you should still visit the campus.  You might get struck by lightening, but it would be worth it!  Really, it’s a beautiful place.  I last visited Notre Dame in 2006 and before that it was just before Thanksgiving in 2004.  My Dad was still alive.  My Mom and Dad, sister, and Aunt Tina and Uncle Pat flew out to Chicago where Sal and I were living at the time to spend the holiday with us.  My Dad, although he had probably been to South Bend 100 times, insisted that we drive to there to visit Notre Dame’s campus.  It was one of his favorite places on Earth.  I’m so happy that we rented a Suburban and made the trip.  It was the last trip that I took with my Dad and I’m lucky to have so many wonderful, funny memories from this visit.  Here are a few pics.

Sal and my Dad hitting the “Play Like a Champion Today” plaque.  If you’re not familiar, the football players hit this plaque on their way onto the field from the locker room.  My father had the ability to talk his way into just about anywhere!  Chase has a miniature version of this plaque hanging in his bedroom.


The Golden Dome – when you see the Golden Dome as you’re driving onto campus, you’ll literally get chills.  It’s so beautiful.


“Touchdown Jesus” is a nickname given to the large mural entitled, “The Word of Life” on the Hesburgh library.

Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes – this is modeled after a shrine in France where the Virgin Mary appeared several times.  The grotto is a very special place to visit, especially in the evening when it’s encompassed with glowing candles.


Where is this story going and what does it have to do with cancer?  Good question!

My cousin, Jimmie, and his wife, Karen, came by on Saturday with some gifts from Notre Dame.  They attended a football game in South Bend a few weeks ago.  While they were visiting the campus, they were kind enough to light a candle at the Grotto for me.  They’re the best!  Actually, their entire family is filled with very special people.  I’m lucky to be related to them.  Jim and Karen felt as though Sugar needed siblings so they purchased some for her while visiting Notre Dame.  Drum roll…..wait for it….Meet Spice and Cinnamon!  They were named by Jameson and Chase!

Yes, the Sciandra wigs sound like exotic dancers!  Hopefully, Jameson, Chase, and Cameron won’t name any of their children after our head gear!  I’m sorry to give you a bit of the history on Notre Dame, but it will always hold a special place in my heart.  Now, especially, since I have hair from there, as well!

I have my last treatment of Adriamycin and Cytoxan tomorrow morning.  I’m encouraged because the next treatment of Taxol and Herceptin is supposed to be more well tolerated than the AC.  Knock on wood, I handled the last 8 weeks of AC fairly well, so I’m hoping to rock the Taxol and Herceptin!  Time is flying.  I will be receiving Taxol and Herceptin weekly for 12 weeks.  This will take me just into the New Year.  My surgery will be scheduled for sometime in January followed by radiation.  Then, sayonara, cancer.  It’s been real!

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

5 Responses to “Play Like a Champion Today”

  1. Aunt Mair says:

    What a wonderful post, I check in everynight and when I don’t see a post for the day, I think no news is good news. This post was wonderful, it was several days since the last one and it really made me smile. Keep them coming (but not that often). Love you, AM

  2. Aunt Tina says:

    Love Spice and Cinnamon! They really compliment sugar. I really loved that trip to Notre Dame. We had so much fun and your Dad was the best tour guide. xox

  3. stacy christmas says:

    Notre Dame is definetly on our bucket list. Thanks for the pics!

  4. Bill says:

    Please be advised that this is from one of “those” Penn State fans! In fact, I am even a Penn State alum! However, the only time I dislike Notre Dame is if they are playing Penn State. Otherwise, it is not a problem. I would love to visit Notre Dame some day. But since I would be wearing Penn State attire, I am not sure how long I would be safe. Love the kids in the wigs. I think it is time for the Sciandra children to get some Penn State clothing!

  5. Erin says:

    love the wigs!! i think cameron needs one now too!

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