

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Miles for Michael

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Today, I’m Fighting!  I’m fighting off a cold and feel like I haven’t gotten a good night’s rest in 5 months.  Actually, Sal and I haven’t gotten a good night’s rest in 5 months!  It’s called having a newborn!  I’m not sure if I’m exhausted from chemo, 2 toddlers, a newborn, lack of sleep, or a culmination of all of the above!  Hey, at least I’m alive.  Trust me, I’m not complaining.  I’m just fighting.  I start my new treatment regimen of Taxol tomorrow and Herceptin on Thursday.  I have to have these drugs infused on 2 separate days for the first treatment in case I have a reaction.  This way, if a reaction occurs, they’ll know which drug to attribute the reaction to.  I have a sigmoidoscopy scheduled for Friday to hopefully correct an issue that I’ve been having for the past few months.  12 more weeks of chemo and we’re finished with this part of the journey.  AWESOME!

I’m not sure who or how many of you out there suggested my name to the Miles for Michael Organization, but I am both thankful and humbled.  I received such a nice letter from the organization that I started to cry.  I have to be honest with you, though, most of your cards and letters have brought me to tears.  I really feel as though I have the best group of family and friends that one can possibly have.  The kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity of others never ceases to amaze me.  I am so very lucky to be surrounded by your love and strength.

Here is some information about Michael Joyce and the Miles for Michael Organization.  If you’re looking for a way to give back to your local community, donating to this wonderful organization is a great way to do so.

The Miles for Michael non-profit organization is a way for family and friends of Michael Joyce to remember this extraordinary man in an extraordinary way.

A resident of Duryea, Michael passed away Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Township.  He was 43.  Michael was president of Joyce Financial Group, and was well-known across the region for his loving ways.  The thousand-plus friends who attended his memorial service are a testament that his life was spent helping others and that there was never one person who came to him for assistance that he turned away.

It was that selflessness that led to the formation of the Miles for Michael Event held on Saturday, June 17, 2006. Throughout his 14-month battle with head and neck cancer, Michael never asked anything for himself, but asked his friends to provide support to other families who might not be as capable of handling the financial burdens of long-distance treatments.  Although the original goal of the Miles for Michael Event was $10,000, more than $100,000 was raised.  A large portion was given to the American Cancer Society – Wyoming Valley Unit for cancer research, and $50,000 went toward establishing a permanent fund within The Luzerne Foundation.

Addressing the needs of cancer patients and their families, this Fund will provide support for unexpected expenses such as travel, lodging, food, gas, and tolls that will help families to remain with loved ones during treatment and recovery.

Thanks to each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you, Miles for Michael, for your kindness and generosity.

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

One Response to “Miles for Michael”

  1. Nacole says:

    Hi Barb,

    I’m so glad that Miles for Micheal’s is helping you.They are such a wonderful cause.I’m so happy your first treatment is over with.Stay strong Barb.Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family everyday.xoxo

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