

Breast Cancer Ribbon

…….since we last spoke

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Hey Everyone!  So, I’m doing something I swore I’d never do.  I feel once step closer to Facebook now that I have my very own blog!  To begin, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your love and support.  If you’re interested in what’s going on, feel free to check this site daily.  I’m going to try to post regularly to keep all of you in the loop.  Apparently, blogging is the thing to do!  It’s much more “2012” than e-mail!

So, since last week’s mass e-mail, here’s what’s new:

I have Stage 3 cancer in my left breast with positive lymph node involvement.  I tested ER+, HER2-, PR?.  My genetic testing is still pending.  I am believed to have Stage 1 cancer in my right breast.  The tissue results (ER, PR, and HER) are still pending.  Did you know that you can have 2 different types of cancer in each breast?  We met with Dr. Louis Blaum, my cousin – the very handsome and very wise thoracic surgeon who specializes in breast, this morning!  He wanted to do a lymph node biopsy near my right breast but was unable to find one.  This is a good thing.  We’re praying that those lymph nodes are not involved.  I’m scheduled for a brain MRI on Thursday…..not because they suspect that anything is wrong…’s to settle my own neurosis!  Sal and I also met with an awesome nurse practitioner, Priscilla, along with our oncologist, Dr. Bruce Saidman, this afternoon.  I begin chemotherapy on Wednesday, August 29.  Here’s how my schedule will work:  I’ll be receiving dose dense chemotherapy.  This was studied at Sloan Kettering and proven to work a little better than the older method.

Week 1:  On Wednesday, I’ll receive Adriamycin and Cytoxan.  On Thursday, I’ll receive Neulasta.  This drug helps prevent a dramatic fall in the white blood cell count that is caused by chemo.

Week 2:  On Wednesday, I have blood work but no chemo.

Week 3:  Repeat Week 1.

Week 4:  Repeat Week 2.

We do this up until Week 8 where I finish this regime.  Then, the plan is to take, possibly, a week or 2 off and start another drug called Taxol for 8-12 weeks.  I know it probably sounds sick, but I’m psyched to get started with treatment!  I feel one step closer to getting the hell rid of this cancer.

The only news that Sal and I received today that bummed our spirits a bit is the prognosis.  Ah, the prognosis!  So, with a stage 3 cancer, one has a 60% chance of reoccurance with chemotherapy alone.  This is cut in half with surgery and radiation.  Yes, I’ll be receiving all 3.  I’m trying to look on the positive side which looks at the glass half full:  there a 70% chance of remaining cancer free!  I don’t like playing the odds, though.  I don’t gamble.  I’d rather buy a new pair of shoes!  So, we need to find out how to best monitor me after all is said and done.  If the dreaded C does return, Sal and I want to be sure that we catch it early.  Remember, I feel healthy.  I look healthy.  I have a Stage 3 carcinoma consuming my entire left breast that went completely undetected.  It couldn’t be felt by any healthcare provider, it didn’t show up on an ultrasound, a mammogram couldn’t detect it – we only saw micropappilary calcifications which was the give-away.

I can’t thank each of you enough for the outpouring of support that you’ve shown me and my family.  I truly feel humbled and blessed.  I have a favor to ask each one of you.  Because I know that you’ve been praying for me and my family, please pray for those battling this disease that have no one to pray for them.  I realize that my journey has just begun but what’s making it a little easier is knowing that I have such a great family and a wonderful group of friends cheering me on.  I can’t imagine how difficult this would if I had to face the journey alone.

Thank you!  LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

12 Responses to “…….since we last spoke”

  1. Cookus says:

    I am so proud of you building your technology side of your resume! Good luck on Wednesday buddy, we are here as your personal neighborhood baby sitter (aka a break for us because our children forget who we are when your kids are around)….love ya buddy!!

  2. Katie says:

    Wow Barb! Your clarity is humbling and your strength inspiring! Thank you for slowing us to share your journey- we all are behind you. We are your army and will not let you down. All my love! Katie

  3. Jim B says:

    You’re just an awesome person, and you can do anything!

  4. Joanne says:

    Totally admire the fact that you are sharing this most difficult journey, you are absolutely helping so many others. Prayers are sailing up to heaven on your behalf and will continue. Keep the faith and know that you are admired and loved

  5. Ann says:

    I don’t know how I became blessed with you as a sister, but I’m so glad that I didi! You are amazing, strong, and incredible. Any time I need strength, I will look to you…then again, I always have! Team Barb for LIFE!!! Xoxo kiddo!

  6. Colleen says:

    Barb – not only are you my best friend, you’re also my inspiration. Your strength and positive outlook are more admirable than you’ll ever know. Thank you for taking the rest of us on your journey so we can learn by your example. We’re rooting for you every step of the way! Now go kick this thing’s butt so we can celebrate with martinis and shoe shopping! I love you more than words can say, my dear friend…keep the faith! Colleen

  7. Barb Marchand says:

    this blog is awesome and so are you. all this information is like being there and walking right with you. We pray nightly for those with no names and now with a name; and how wonderful for you to remember those with no support. you feel blessed and are sharing. WOW!
    we pray your healthy strength continues as you start your regimen
    lets get this done is right!
    hugs to you.

  8. Erin says:

    Barb- i’m with colleen martini’s and shoe shopping in NY when you have kicked this!!

  9. Betsy says:


    I am so amazed by your spirit and strength!!! I know that you will kick a** and take names 🙂 I will be praying for you and your family all the way and have asked my family and friends to do the same. Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us.

  10. Karen Blaum says:

    You are AMAZING! We are in your corner…everyday! Nothing but positive thinking for you tomorrow and always!

  11. Tina Fisher says:


    You are truly our gift from God! You know how much we love you and will be with you every step of the way. We are going to fight this and win! You are an inspiritation to all of us.
    Uncle Paddy & Aunt Tina xoxo

  12. Marcella says:

    You are so AMAZING!! my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wonderful family. If anyone can beat this, you most certainly can and will… Your strength is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
    LIVESTRONG and God Bless

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