Hey Everyone! Merry Christmas! I hope that each one of you had an awesome couple of days. We’ve been having a blast here, in the Sciandra house. We are officially outnumbered by kids and it’s complete madness!! My house, that is very important to me to keep clean and organized, is a mess!! It’s ok, though, because we can see the magic in the kids’ eyes. Cameron enjoyed her first Christmas. She loved putting ribbon in her mouth and laughing at her big sister and big brother. She’s now able to sit in a high chair and is enjoying her fruits and vegetables. Applesauce is her fruit of choice! Chase was so excited on Christmas that Sal was calling it an out of body experience! He was so tired last night that he started sleep walking after we put him to bed – twice! I was scared at first because this has never happened before and I didn’t know if something was wrong. Then, I realized what was going on – after Sal checked him out! I’m sure every neurotic mother has yelled downstairs for her husband in a panic at one point or another! Last night was my night! Jameson was pumped! She’s been riding around the house on her Razor scooter the past 2 days and she’s been coloring up a storm. She loves her new lip gloss and nail polish as well as her American Girl doll! Sal and I feel truly blessed to be able to spend the holidays with our kids. They mean the world to us.
On Christmas Eve, we went to Mass and had dinner at my aunt’s house. When we got home, Sal and I put the kids to bed and starting prepping the house while watching our favorite movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. I know that I’ve said it before, but if you haven’t seen it, please watch it! I got a hold of my friend, Colleen, too, to remind her about the Christmas Eve incident of 1996. Everything is good!! Anyway, I get so emotional at the end of the movie every time I watch it, this year especially. Clarence, George Bailey’s guardian angel who hasn’t yet earned his angel wings, reminds George throughout the second half of the movie about what a wonderful life George has been living. The movie ends, first with a toast from George’s younger brother, Harry – “A toast – to my big brother, George, the richest man in town.” Next, you see a note from Clarence to George: “Remember, George: No man is a failure who has friends. P.S. Thanks for the wings.” Just then, a bell on the tree rings signifying Clarence has received his wings for helping George realize that his life really is wonderful despite his troubles. I could’t help but feeling how rich I feel with love, support, family and friends this year more than ever. So, thanks to each and every one of you for all of your help. 2013 is going to be a wonderful year!
I had my 10th treatment of Taxol and Herceptin this morning. I only have 2 more chemotherapy treatments to go. I can’t believe it. Time is going by so quickly. Things are going very, very well. My ear – that’s a different story! I still can’t hear out of my right ear. I have a follow-up with the ENT on Friday morning and we’ll see what he suggests. I would rather not have a tube put in my ear, but we’ll have to see what my options are. It’s a nuisance, but it’s not a real problem. If this is the only bump in the road during my “cancer journey”, then I consider myself pretty damn lucky. It could be so much worse. I’m still on track for surgery on February 1 at Penn followed by radiation in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area. I’ll be receiving Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks until the end of October 2013 and will also be starting Tamoxifen. However, I just came across a new study a few minutes ago that I need to speak to my oncologists about. The study compared Tamoxifen and Arimidex and the enzyme that metabolizes the drugs. Arimidex seems to be better in a certain population and this population can be detected with a simple blood test. If any of you pharmacists, doctors, or nurses are reading this and know anything worthwhile, please e-mail or call me. I’d appreciate any feedback. Also, PT’s and OT’s, I’ll be relying on you for an exercise program post-mastectomy. I’ve been reading about how important it is to work your arms, especially before radiation. Have your people get a hold of my people (me)!!!
We have a busy couple of days coming up. Sal will be traveling for work, we have a few holiday gatherings to attend, kid birthday parties, a trip to Bethlehem to visit Sal’s sis, and my Aunt Tina’s 60th birthday dinner. I have to thank my Mom, my Aunt Tina and Uncle Pat for helping out so much. They brought over the majority of the food on Christmas Day and also helped me set-up and clean-up. My Mom and Aunt Tina have turned into the laundry fairies, too! My college roommates can attest to how helpful these people, along with my Dad, have been during my entire life. My roommates, I would bet, have vivid memories of these 4 individuals moving me into my house in Philadelphia. It wasn’t pretty – the house or the cleaning!! That house hosted quite a few parties back in the day!!! Jameson, Chase, and Cam – studying parties.
So, helping to find a cure…..I came across the following article in our local newspaper this past week and wanted to pass it along. Please take a look at both the article from the Times Leader as well as the Q & A from cancer.org and consider joining this research study if you’re eligible. They’re looking for people in quite a few different states. It will take only 45 minutes of your time every 2 years. This is how discoveries are made – in both diagnosing and treating all different types of cancer. Let’s get rid of cancer!!
I’ll try to write again before the New Year, but just in case I don’t, have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year! Thanks for everything – your friendship and prayers mean more to me than you’ll ever know.
LIVESTRONG and God Bless!!
Luckily for you, I know a fabulous OT that you can rely on and get personal care from directly after your surgery! 😉 (her name starts with a and ends with double n-Just a hint)!! I’ll start my research immediately. Also, I’m checking the website now to see if there is research going on in my neck of the woods. Love you!!
And I know a fabulous PT that has some experience treating patients post-mastectomy. Unfortunately, I am on the west coast – hey Ann, where are you out here in Cali???
I will send you our pre-op packet with lymphedema prevention tips as well as exercises to get you started with after surgery. In our breast cancer program, all the patients come in a for a free visit before surgery so that they can get started with exercises immediately following surgery. Can you say FUN???
Hey Kristy, I’m in Woodland Hills…about 25 miles north of downtown LA. You’re in a beach city, right? You lucky girl!!! 🙂 it would be wonderful to get together if you’d be interested. I hope you had a fantastic holiday and I’m wishing you a healthy transition into the new year!
Hi Ann, sorry I forgot to check back on this message – yes, I am in Huntington Beach, which is about 45 min south of LA and I would love to see you. I know you are busy flying back and forth now, but when you are ready, let’s see if we can meet somewhere. Here’s my email: kristylistpt@Yahoo.com. Happy New Year!
I’m signed up for the cancer prevention study!!!
Don’t forget about Vince’s PT clinic. Close to home. Excellent therapist. Once your incision heals the aquatic pool they have might be just the ticket to strengthen your arms. Take Care of yourself, I love you Eddie Haskell.