

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Roll Tide……Are you SERIOUS??!!!!

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How can you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania and root for Alabama?!!  Check out this video.  It’s pretty funny…….

I’m not going to write much tonight because the big game starts at 8:30.  I have a few quick updates for you.  First, welcome Cole Davis Kiefer!!  Audra and Mark’s son was born on January 3.  Both Mom and baby are doing really well.  Cole is so, so cute!  We can’t wait to meet him.  Next, my last chemo is scheduled for this Wednesday!  I have to keep my port-o-cath in until the end of the year, at the least, though, because I’ll be getting Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks.  Sal and I are meeting with a local radiation oncologist on Thursday.  His name is Dr. Chris Peters and he’s out of the NROC (Northeast Radiation Oncology Center) group in Dunmore.  He comes highly recommended from quite a few trusted sources.  Their facility also utilizes inverse planning IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) which Penn recommended so we’re extremely happy that I can receive such excellent care so close to home.  The finish line is still a bit blurry, but it’s within sight.

I’m praying that we have our first AWESOME news of 2013 tonight.  I’m excited to dress my kids in National Championship gear this March!  I hope that, I, too, will have a shabby National Championship sweatshirt much like my Mom’s that my own kids will remember me wearing.  With people like Jim and Joe Fisher and Yogi Michael in heaven, Notre Dame Has to win!  I’m certain that the three of them, along with many other family and friends, are relaxing in an Irish bar watching the pre-game on a large flat screen right now.  And, there’s good news for my Dad – junk food doesn’t cause high cholesterol in heaven!  Let’s go Irish!


LIVESTRONG and God Bless……and Roll OVER Tide, ND!

4 Responses to “Roll Tide……Are you SERIOUS??!!!!”

  1. Erin says:

    should i comment on the ass whoopin your beloved fighting irish took last night??

  2. Diane Blaum says:

    Yes they took an ass-whoopin’, but that has no impact on how great the rest of 2013 will be for you!

  3. Diane Blaum says:

    PS: How can you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania and root for a school in Indiana?

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