

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Quick T-Shirt Update

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Hey Everyone!  I apologize – I am having trouble keeping up with e-mail responses right now.  I’ve been getting a lot of questions on t-shirt ordering.  Please e-mail directly ( if you are interested in ordering a shirt by this Thursday, September 5.  Include your t-shirt size and mailing address if you are not attending the walk.  Walkers/runners, if I do not see you prior to September 21, I will have your t-shirts for you there that morning.  After Thursday, I can not accept any more orders.  I will be calling the order in on Friday morning.  You can mail me the amount due – $10 per shirt – to Barb Sciandra 70 Pinewood Drive Laflin, PA 18702.  I have a list of people below who I have heard from.  If your name is missing from the list and it shouldn’t be, please e-mail me so that I can add it for you.  Please pass this information along to others if you know of anyone that I’m missing.  Also, kindly e-mail me to confirm your t-shirt sizes.  I’ve been trying my best to keep all of this organized.  Thanks so much!


T-shirt orders received as of September 3 at noon:

Andrejko (1), Bachstein (1), Barbato (1), Jim Pat Blaum (2), Jimmie Blaum (2), Copp (4), DePhillips (2), Feduchak (2), Ann Fisher (1), Christy Fisher (1), Elaine Fisher (1), Katie Fisher (1), Tina Fisher (2), Gilmartin (1), Goffredo (3), Gordon (1), Hanley (1), Hochreiter (1), Keaney (2), Audra Kiefer (4), Lib Kiefer (2), Lavelle (1), Lee (3), Loftus (1), Martin (1), McHale (1), Mease (1), Melone (1), Murphy (1), Nat (1), Niemiec (1), Pietrowski (1), Rafferty (1), Ralston (2), Rocha (2), Shorts (1), Simkulak (1), Schulze (1), Splain (2), Villano (1), Welsh (1)


Also, if you plan on attending the brunch after the walk at my house – which I encourage you to do so – please e-mail directly so I can start getting a head count.  It will be a great time!  Remember, to register for the walk/run, you must do so online.  Look for Barb’s Army – I, Barb Sciandra, am the team captain.


Lastly, e-mail subscription updates on this blog have been working thanks to Nick Grochal.  If you have not subscribed and wish to do so, it does work.  I believe the link is on the home page.  Thanks again!  Have a great week!


“I take nothing for granted.  I now have only good days or great days.”  – Lance Armstrong


LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

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