“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard
I hope that all of you had a wonderful day today. The weather is ridiculous here in NEPA! It literally goes from 60 degrees to 30 degrees in the matter of a day. And who doesn’t think that Global Warming is a problem?!! Oh, wait, the world is supposed to end on 12-12-12, right?!!
So, what’s new? I’m more than halfway through with Taxol and Herceptin. It’s a great feeling to be seeing the chemo finish line. I can make out the final finish line to all of this, too, but it’s a little blurry yet. I’m so excited to move on to the next thing. It means that I’m one step closer to putting all of this behind me. I really love my oncologist, Dr. Saidman, as well as the rest of his staff. We normally work with his nurse practitioner, Priscilla, and our regular oncology nurse is Lisa. Sal pretty much harasses the entire office which is so funny. These people are all very special and are great at what they do. I’m lucky to be receiving such excellent care so close to home. Priscilla and Dr. Saidman both checked my ear yesterday. It still looks pretty bad, but the Azithromycin will be working through my system until next week. So, we wait and see. I’m feeling so much better than I was over the weekend. Yesterday was my first day out of the house since Saturday and it felt great to be out…..even if only for chemo and a doctor’s visit! Hey, you make the most of what you’ve got!
So, I’m scheduled for more tests. You don’t even want to see what my calendar looks like for this month. Between the holidays, the kids’ schedules, and doctor’s appointments……it’s RIDONK! I have to go for a dye study of my port o cath tomorrow. My nurses haven’t been able to get a blood return from it for some reason. It’s driving Lisa crazy which Sal enjoys! She wants to know what’s up with it, so hopefully, they can figure it out. Sal and I are heading to Penn on Monday to meet with the oncologist and radiation oncologist there. I’m anxious to hear what the radiation oncologist has to say. I’m scheduled for another PET Scan in 2 weeks. This is a big one, so, hopefully, all will be well with that, too.
The kids are all doing great. We saw another awesome doctor yesterday – Dr. Penugonda – the kids’ pediatrician. Cameron had her 6 month visit and she’s doing just great. She just started cutting her first tooth on the bottom left. Jameson loses one, Cam gains one! I love spending the days with Cam. She laughs at everything that I say and do which makes me happy. We started our own dance called, “Cameron Style’! It’s my own spoof of that goofy “Gangnam Style” that’s popular for some reason! Haaaaayyyyy silly baby – do it Cameron style! I asked Dr. Penugonda to check Jameson and Chase, too, since our house has been in meltdown mode! Both of their right ears still look questionable, but she’s hoping that any infection will resolve on it’s own. So, we wait and see. She wants to re-check both of them next week. Neither one of them have any symptoms but we know how quickly these ear infections come on.
So, we’re still on track for NYC on Saturday. I’ll be sure to post a picture of the 4 of us in front of the tree! Cameron will be with Sal’s parents for the day, so we’ll have to photoshop her in! Have an awesome weekend!
LIVESTRONG and God Bless!
I am handy at Photoshop, let me know! Hope to see you guys in NYC. Have fun and enjoy! Bring your umbrella!!