Good Evening Team Barb,
Until this point I’ve purposely remained silent on this blog for a number of reasons, but most importantly for sake of keeping the focus of things where it belongs; Barbara and her path to wellness.
But I promised to post a brief update in Barb’s stead once the surgery was through and we knew she was stable enough to feel comfortable sharing her progress. So, here goes…
I was with Barb all the way through pre-Op, until they wheeled her into the OR this morning around 7:30am. I proceeded to the family lounge area where I was greeted by my father, Sammy. Barb’s mom & sister, Elaine and Ann, were soon to follow. We all spent the day together passing the hours as creatively and healthily as we could. I worked on my laptop some, Ann read, Sammy texted, and Elaine attempted some yoga-moves to keep loose.
UPenn has a great process for keeping waiting families updated on the surgical progress of their loved ones. About every 2hrs an assigned nurse visits up to thirty active ORs to gather progress notes on the surgical floor. Once complete, she visits the family lounge where patients’ families will gather for general status reports. We were fortunate to have 3-4 updates through the day, each with encouraging news of Barb’s steps through the different surgeries.
Once each of the attending surgeons was through with his portion of the surgery, they called the lounge to give me a brief summary of things. In total, the procedures themselves went very well without any complications. The double mastectomy was completed without any unanticipated steps or findings. And the reconstruction seemed to have gone just as well. In total, Barb was sedated for about 10hrs when they removed the breathing tube and moved her into post-Op. I was fortunate enough to join her soon after where I found her to be expectedly sleepy but lucid. She made a few jokes about the funny shower-cap she had to wear for the surgery, and was sure to ask if I had eaten all day. It’s easy to see she’s started bouncing back already…
Of course we have a few days of recovery to get through, but I’m sure we’ll be OK. There’s a certain toughness Barb possesses as you already know. She’s just one of the most resilient people you’ll ever know. One step at a time; slow & steady wins the race.
I’m sure Barb will post something herself in the next few days. Until then, Please feel free to send her some cheer via Text or Email. And kindly identify yourself in case Barb doesn’t already have your number in her phone… Every time she laughs, she gets a little better…and a little closer to getting home. So let’s see if we can speed up the recovery the best way Barb knows how to heal…
(m) 570.407.0780
Thank You for all of your love and support. It’s not just words, we feel it every day. If it takes a village to raise a family, I think you’ve been part of our metropolis the past six months.
BARBSTRONG and God Bless.
GREAT news! I thought about you all day, Barb!
Thanks so much for the update!! Have been watching the clock all day, and so glad to hear my friend is doing so well. Marin and I prayed together for the first time today – she wasn’t sure what to make of me, but she watched intently, like she knew it was important. Much love!!
Fantastic news! I had been waiting to hear a progress report and I just knew it would be positive! Sal, you and Barb write so beautifully, your love for each other is so amazing. She is in such good hands I’m sure the coming week will seem like a blink of an eye. Might I suggest Barb getting hooked (like I am) on a little “Days of our Lives” on NBC while she recovers. It’s really good right now! 🙂 Even though she passed this hurdle with flying colors, we all know there is still a bit of a road ahead. So Barb, way to go and remember all the people who are praying for you. Some that don’t know you personally but are inspired by YOU! God Bless and update us as often as you can!!
Hi Sal and Barb,
Thanks so much for letting everyone know for sure what we all anticipated, that everything would go well!! We thought about both of you at school and prayed with Chase and the class for his mom, who, “Is going for surgery, but will only be gone 4 days!!” We did our journals, and since we are on letter L, Chase drew Mrs. Loftus. When he came up to get his work checked, Mrs.Loftus said, “Chase, you forgot to draw Mrs. Loftus hair!!” Chase replied without skipping a beat, “No, I made you bald, just like my mom and she is beautiful!” Out of the mouths of babes!! Both of you have made a difficult situation seem like the most minor bump in the road for your children, you are wonderful parents! Take care and I’m so happy the operation is over for you! On to recovery.
Hey Barb,
Sending lots of prayers and love your way. I know you will make a speedy recovery, Thank you Sal for the update!
Sending all our love and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Michele & Ed Lackaye
Praise the Lord!
Bless you for keeping us posted.
Prayers will not stop, but continue.
Keeo the faith and know that you are all loved very dearly.
Wondered if there would be an update, and so happy to find one. Thought about you all day yesterday Barb and family, and into this morning. Thrilled to hear surgery went well and things are moving in a positive direction. Hold on to your St. Agatha relic and trust in her. Irish Blessings all around, even from an Italian!!! Love and Prayers. Talk soon:)
Sal, you’re such a gem for keeping us all updated — I LOVED the texts yesterday, as my mind was on Barb ALL day!! Barb, I want you to know that when I came out of my bilateral mastectomy and they had just put the empty inserts in to begin to be filled at my first check-up, I looked down and felt pretty low about the flatness of my chest. But then I went in for that first appointment just a week later, and my surgeon said to me, “Becca, LOOK, I think you’re already bigger than you were before!” — and I just burst out in hysterics! I told him that I was surely the first person that had a bilateral mastectomy and was bigger AFTER the surgery than before — nothing like a little swelling for a VERY flat-chested woman :)!! He was SO embarrassed because he thought that they had already done one fill-up — but they hadn’t :)! I soo hope you’re happy with your new body — even if you aren’t right now, once you feel little pain, I hope you’re thrilled. Thinking of you with love!
Happy to hear that your surgery went well. Sending prayers
for a good recovery. You’ll do well, I’m sure. You’ve helped me so much
through your writing … thank you!
Blessings, Martha
So glad to hear the surgery went well. I`m just sorry that I wasn`t as brave as you even after all that I had gone through and continue to go through.who knows .if this last expander procedure does`t pan out I may be able to dig deep for the courage because of you.See ,you already made a difference.Looking forward to your progress. Stay strong
Sal and Barb,
Just great news so far and what we all were anticipating with Barb’s great faith and outlook. Sure recovery will be tough so get some reruns of How i met your mother and get laughing!! Thinking of you all as prayers continue for a speedy recovery and words from you Barb when you can, as you are so funny!!! i am sure you will post some of today as you saw it with some humor. Praying you get home as soon as possible where your family awaits.
thanks Sal for the post.
Barb, you continiue to inspire me daily and the love you and Sal share is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy for you both that the surgery was such a success and am excited for the long, fulfilling future you have ahead of you as a couple and family!