

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Second Chances

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“It was then that I realized I wasn’t afraid to lose my life; I was afraid to lose the life I could’ve lived.”  – Amanda Nuri, Emerald Butterfly


I really and truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason.  At the time, we might not realize or understand what’s happening or why it’s happening, but things eventually make sense over time.  There is a reason that I had trouble breastfeeding and was diagnosed with cancer after Cameron, our beautiful baby girl, was born.  There is a reason that I was compelled to start blogging about my experience and decided to share it with all of you.  I feel as though I’ve been given a second chance at life.  Remember when I asked if one person can make a difference?  When all of the pomp and circumstance of “Barb Sciandra having cancer” is over, I want to leave something behind that I can feel proud of.  I’m pretty close to pinpointing it.  Right now, my kids are wearing their “Just Do More” bracelets at school for the Lenten season.  That’s what I intend to do.

As I’ve written many times before, I cannot express to you just how much my family and I appreciate the love and support bestowed upon us by all of you, our family and friends.  Since my diagnosis back in August, we have been bombarded with kindness and generosity.  Accepting help from others is not one of our strong suits.  Sal and I would much rather be on the giving end versus the receiving end so we’ve had a very uncomfortable seven months!  I wish that there were words to convey how appreciative we truly are.  Thank you does not seem suffice but it’s really all that I can say.  So, thank you – all of you – once again.

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a friend of ours from high school, Christy Savakinas.  Christy’s brothers own a local Liberty Tax and they host a mixer and golf tournament every year to benefit a different cause.  This year they chose us, The Sciandra Family.  When I spoke to Christy, I was literally speechless.  Ask her!  And, you can ask anyone who knows me – I don’t think I’ve ever been speechless!

With that being said, Sal and I agreed to this honor on one condition – that the money go to a greater cause.  Sal and I are in a much better position than many people going through a similar situation.  I feel truly blessed to have such a strong support system – an army of people, really.  I started thinking about donating it to Susan G. Komen or LIVESTRONG.  I thought about donating it to one of the local organizations that have made a difference in my life.  Then, I thought, “How great would it be to start my own foundation?”  I’m not really sure of all of the details just yet.  I’m brainstorming about quite a few things right now, but my focus keeps coming back to young women diagnosed with cancer – advice, information, support, advocacy, fashion tips.  Even if I donate the money to the University of Pennsylvania – I’m telling you – Dr. Czerniecki is on to something with his vaccine.  It’s going to take some time and some work to get things rolling – whatever I decide to do – but I’m confident that I WILL make a difference and I WILL leave my mark.

I want to thank Bob and Christy Savakinas, Mark and Jeanna Mihalka, and Liberty Tax from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you so much for choosing to bring awareness to breast cancer.  You’ve always been wonderful people and my family and I appreciate your benevolence more that you’ll ever know.

Below is the information about the mixer and the golf tournament.  I hope that if you’re available, you’ll consider supporting a very worthwhile cause.


Pre-Tournament Mixer

When: Friday, May 24, 2013
Time: 6-9 PM
Where: The Brickhouse, Dupont, PA

$5 donation at the door which includes raffle tickets for Baskets of Cheer

Raffle baskets, 50/50, drink specials


6th Annual Golf  Tournament

Benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of Barb Sciandra

Where: Stone Meadows Golf Course (Route 115 Buck Township)
Dupont VFW (Dinner)

When: Saturday, May 25, 2013
8 AM Registration, 9 AM Shotgun Start

Format: Captain & Crew

$80 per golfer (Fees include: green fees, cart, dinner, shirt and prizes)
$20 dinner only option

Sponsor Levels: $100 (Gold), $50 (Silver)

For more information, contact Jeanna Mihalka at 570-237-0521.



As I’ve stated before, in my daily prayers, I pray for those going through a difficult time that are not as fortunate as I am – those who may not have anyone supporting them or praying for them.  Once again, I ask that as you continue to pray for me and my family, please say a special prayer for these individuals, also.  Anyone who believes that people aren’t good are crazy.  There is so much more good than bad in the world, but we usually only read about the bad or see it on the news.  People truly are kind and generous.


“Life has no meaning.  Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life.  It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”  –  Joseph Campbell


LIVESTRONG and God Bless!



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So, I feel like a train wreck!  I’m trying to see how many procedures I can jam pack into a week’s time.  So far, I’m up to five!  Here’s how next week is looking:

Monday, March 11:  I need to have my port-o-cath replaced.  I received a phone call from the University of Pennsylvania this afternoon.  Apparently, my pre-admission chest x-ray showed that my port was not in good position.  My heart skipped a bit when the nurse told me that she needed to discuss my chest x-ray with me.  I can handle a lot, but I don’t think I can handle one more piece of bad news right now.  I received the call when I was on my way to the school to pick up the kids.  Anyway, my guess is that the port probably shifted during surgery.  Also, I’ve been losing weight, too, which probably contributed to the movement.  My cousin, Dr. Blaum will be replacing it for me locally.  Since I’m scheduled for another procedure on Friday, I tried to see if I would be able to get everything done at Penn in one shot but it wasn’t possible.  Anesthesia twice in one week…….oh, the joy!

Tuesday, March 12:  I have a dental cleaning.  I need to see my dentist every 3 months for routine cleanings.

Wednesday, March 13:  I meet with Dr. Saidman, my local oncologist, then receive a Herceptin treatment.

Thursday, March 14:  I have to be at NROC in the morning for a “trial run” of radiation.  I begin radiation treatments on Monday, March 18.  The process is quite fascinating, actually.  This past week, I received my 3 tattoos – one below my left breast, one in the center of my chest, and one below my right breast.  I consider these part of my battle scars and I’m very proud of them.  They also used styrofoam to make a mold of my head and arms to ensure that I’m in the exact same position every day for 6 weeks.  It’s all pretty cool.  After this appointment, Sal and I head down to Penn for an over night stay.  We’re staying in the same dump of a hotel that we stayed in prior to my mastectomy.  Sal originally booked a nicer place, but I’ll probably need to arrive at the hospital by 5:30am on Friday and the slum pit is just way too convenient.  Anyway, I see Dr. Serletti, my plastic surgeon, for a follow-up visit on Thursday afternoon.  I’m hoping that I’m cleared to begin lifting Cameron again and to start running.

Friday, March 15:  I’m scheduled for an early morning oophorectomy with Dr. Steve Rubin at Penn.  I’m so happy to be having this procedure done.  A car won’t run without gas just like any lingering cancer cells can’t grow without estrogen.  Welcome, early menopause!  This reminded me of my all-time favorite SNL skit.  My cousin, Christy, was kind enough to forward it to me.  Please check it out and hold on to your Fing hat!!!!


I have to share a funny story with you about my pre-admission chest x-ray that was done at Penn a week or so ago.  Sal can’t believe that I waited so long to share this with him.


Setting:  Abramson Cancer Center, 1st floor x-ray.  I get changed in the women’s locker room and the x-ray tech, a short heavy middle-aged man comes in to get me.

X-ray tech:  Good afternoon!  You’re here for a chest x-ray?

Barb:  Good afternoon!  Yes, I am.  How’s it going?  How’s your day?

X-ray tech:  My day’s going well.  OK, here’s what I need you to do (gets out 2 small things that I’ve never seen before).  I’m going to walk out of the room.  I need you to place these stickers on your nipples.

Barb:  Ummmm (thinking what do I say, what do I say)…….I don’t have any nipples!

X-ray tech:  Excuse me?

Barb:  I, ummmmmmm, I don’t have any nipples.


Barb:  I had a double mastectomy a month ago so I don’t have any nipples.


X-ray tech:  OK, then, I guess we don’t need theses.  I’ll put these away (puts stickers back in the cabinet).  So, what are you receiving this test for today?

Barb:  I have to have my ovaries removed in a week.

X-ray tech:  Oh, yeah, there is a link between breast cancer and ovarian cancer.  It was on my test.  I got it right.


I swear that this really happened.  You can’t make this stuff up!!  I was in the Abramson Cancer Center.  I can’t be the first woman to receive a chest x-ray who’s had a mastectomy!!!  Can you believe that Sal and I drove home – a 2 hour car ride – and I failed to mention this to him?!!!  How crazy is it that stuff like this is starting to become the new normal??!!!

One more thing and then I’m finished.  Please, don’t be embarrassed about your age – EVER.  Whether you feel too young or too old, be happy that you’re alive.  Embrace each and every year.  Be proud of your number.  I’m looking forward to my 35th birthday (which I normally wouldn’t be looking forward to) in June when I can put all of this nonsense behind me.  I should be finished up with most of this by May so I’m really looking forward to my birthday this year.  Enjoy every blow of every candle!

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!


Going Granola

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If I had a tree, I’d hug it!

I started Weight Watchers on Saturday, February 23.  I went to our local center to get “weighed in”.  I don’t stay for meetings, but I like going to be weighed in weekly because I feel like I have someone besides myself to be accountable to.  Next, I headed to Wegman’s since they have the largest selection of organic food in my area.  It’s only been a few days, but once I have my mind made up, look out!  I’ve been trying to cut out sugar and I’ve been eating a ton of “greens”.  I’m anxious to go back on Friday or Saturday morning to see how I’m doing.  I’m looking forward to the clearance from my plastic surgeon to begin running and lifting weights.  I’m interested in yoga, too, since it’s a very granola thing to do!  I’m determined to be at my goal weight before my 35th birthday which is on June 4.  My body will not be a conducive dwelling place for a cancer recurrence.

Sal and I had a very busy Tuesday morning.  We first met with Dr. Peters, my radiation oncologist, in Dunmore.  I’m set up for radiation treatment planning on March 6.  They’ll give me 3 tiny black dot tattoos on or around my left breast.  I only need radiation on the left side.  Anyway, the tattooing is done so they’ll know exactly where to focus the radiation beams.  After this appointment, we hopped in the car and drove to Philadelphia for a 1:30 appointment with Dr. Steve Rubin, my gynecologic oncologist.  I had an exam then we spoke in his office.  I asked a lot of questions about having a total hysterectomy versus having just my ovaries removed.  Breast cancer normally spreads to the liver, lungs, brain, and bone.  I’m not at risk for any gynecologic cancers but that’s not to say that it can’t happen.  However, cervical cancer is normally detected with a routine pap smear and uterine cancer usually has symptoms.  Dr. Rubin is a great physician.  He doesn’t see an added benefit in removing everything even though I’m not opposed to doing it.  Like I said before, though, doctors won’t just start removing your organs!

The next few weeks are definitely going to be very busy.  I’m scheduled to have an oophorectomy (ovary removal) on Friday, March 15.  Sal and I will have to stay overnight from Thursday to Friday since my procedure will be Dr. Rubin’s first procedure of the day.  I’ll most likely be starting radiation on Monday, March 18.  I’ll receive this daily, Monday through Friday, for 6 weeks.  I’ll continue Herceptin every 3 weeks until the end of October.

I’m doing great with my OT exercises.  I find that I can move my arms a little easier every day.  It’s been so nice being able to wear normal shirts.  I, unfortunately, still need to wear comfortable yoga pants or sweatpants because of where my abdominal incision is located.  It’s really quite amazing, though, how resilient our bodies are.  Everything is healing so nicely.  Chase really likes pirates so I’ve tried to have my torso resemble a treasure map with all of the incisions!!!

One more piece of advice before I end with a funny story.  Don’t ever be afraid to ask for copies of your medical records, reports, x-rays, scans, etc.  It’s your right as a patient.  I had to have bloodwork and a chest x-ray as part of my pre-admission testing at Penn yesterday.  I asked for a copy of my chest x-ray and the tech tried to discourage me because he was busy.  I told him, kindly, that I’d wait because I’d prefer to leave with a copy of the x-ray in hand.  Since August, I’ve asked for copies of everything.  Sal and I have all of my “cancer stuff” neatly compiled in case I ever need to send something out quickly for another opinion.  It’s come in handy, believe me.

Lastly, Sal and I are so pleased with our children’s school.  We love the kids, the other parents, the administration, and the teachers.  Chase’s pre-school teacher pulled me aside at pick-up this afternoon to share the following story.  It went something like this.  Keep in mind that Chase is very animated and uses his hands and eyes when he speaks – I have no idea where he gets that from!

Setting:  Pre-School Classroom decorated with a lot of green in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day on a cold winter’s day

Chase:  Why is there so much green in here?  There’s green everywhere!

Mrs. Simkulak:  Well, Chase, I like the color green and we’re preparing for St. Patrick’s Day.  It’s one of my favorite holidays.  I’m Irish (I think Mrs. Simkulak said that she’s Irish.  If she is, I like her even more!)  What’s your nationality?

Chase:  I don’t know!

Mrs. Simkulak:  Are you Irish?

Chase:  I don’t know!

Mrs. Simkulak:  Are you Italian?

Chase:  I don’t know!

Mrs. Simkulak:  Well, there are a lot of different things that you can be.  You can be Polish, German, Greek, Russian……

Chase:  That’s it!  I’m Russian.  I’m Russian because I’m always rushing around from here to there!


Kids are so funny!  Have a great night!


“And it doesn’t matter how you get knocked down in life because that’s going to happen.  All that matters is you gotta get up.”  – Ben Affleck

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!



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“When someone tells me “no”, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.”  – Karen E. Quinones Miller


I’m driven by this statement.  I don’t know what it is, but there is something about being told that “I can’t” that makes me say that “I most certainly will – and I’ll show you!”  When my two older children say, “But Mommmm…..I can’t,” I tell them each and every time, “You can do anything.”  I believe that.  I, personally, have never been the smartest or the fastest or the prettiest or the best at anything.  But, I can tell you that I give 110% of myself in everything that I do.  I’ve far surpassed many people who were blessed with natural abilities just because I’ve worked harder.  Completing this journey with dignity and beating cancer will be no different.

Sal and I have been blessed with so much help throughout this roller coaster ride , especially these past few weeks.  I’ve been so fortunate in having family and friends helping me with Cameron Monday through Friday.  It’s been so nice seeing many people that I don’t get to spend time with routinely.  Many of my friends who live out of town and have their own families to care for have been driving up solo to spend the day with me.  You guys will never know how much I appreciate having you here with me.  Sal and I would much rather be on the giving end so it’s very difficult for us to accept help.  Just saying “thanks” doesn’t seem sufficient but I’m at a loss for what else I could possibly do to express my gratitude.

I completed another Herceptin treatment today.  It went very well.  I’ll be doing this every 3 weeks until the end of October.

Sal and I had four excellent meetings at the University of Pennsylvania yesterday.  We first met with Dr. Serletti, my plastic surgeon.  He was very pleased with the way that everything looks.  I’m healing nicely and will continue to improve as time progresses.  We met with Dr. Czerniecki, my breast surgeon, who is also very pleased with the way that everything looks.  He’s working on a cutting edge vaccine that is preventing breast cancer recurrence.  I may qualify for this upon completion of my Herceptin treatment.  We met with Dr. DeMichele, my oncologist at Penn, who is always so sweet.  She’s an angel, actually.  She explained everything to us very well.  She was pleased with the results of my surgery and once again gave me a good prognosis.  Many of Dr. DeMichele’s statistics are specifically for ER+ premenopausal women, so that’s very promising.  Doc even made it a point to tell us that she’s not sugar-coating anything.

I do need to have another procedure done in March.  Remember the blood test that I asked Dr. Saidman to do for me a few weeks ago?  CYP2D6?  It indicates how well I would metabolize Tamoxifen which in turn would indicate how well it would work in my body.  Well, I am a slow to intermediate metabolizer of CYP2D6 which means that Tamoxifen might not work well for me.  This part of my therapy, the hormonal part, is just as important as everything else that I’ve done up to this point.  So, I need to have an oophorectomy (have my ovaries removed).  I’m actually happy about this.  I asked to have it done back in August, but physicians prefer not to do this unless it’s absolutely necessary because this procedure will put me into early menopause which leaves the potential for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.  They usually do this procedure in women who carry the BRCA gene which I do not, but my cancer was highly fueled by estrogen and Tamoxifen might not work so why take the chance?  Female bodies have 2 main sources of estrogen, really – our ovaries and fat cells.  Since my ovaries will be removed, we zap that source.  I’ll then take a drug called Arimidex, an aromatase inhibitor, for the next 10 years that will work on suppressing any leftover estrogen that might be floating around and will also, hopefully, prevent estrogen from being produced.  I’ll be meeting with a gynecologic oncologist at Penn in the next week or so and hope to have the procedure done at Penn before I begin radiation.  This is an “easy surgery” and is usually done same day which means that I won’t have to stay overnight in the hospital.  It’s done laparoscopically which means that it’s minimally invasive using small abdominal incisions.

Our last appointment was with Karen Wagner, a dietitian who specializes in preventing breast cancer recurrence.  She gave me many tips on what I can do to decrease my chance of recurrence.  Dr. DeMichele went over a lot of this, too.

– Having a normal BMI (body mass index) is important – remember what I said about estrogen and fat cells?

– Limiting alcohol to 1/2 glass of red wine three times per week max.  I can’t remember the last time I drank once in a week!  It’s been a while.

– Eating organic fruits, vegetables, and meats when possible.  She gave us a great website to review the pesticide amounts in produce.  The website is updated yearly and is a wealth of information.

– Eating lots of vegetables, namely broccoli, cauliflower, and kale

– Limiting soy – this is controversial, but there is debate on the link between soy and breast cancer recurrence

– Have Vitamin D level checked and add a calcium and Vitamin D supplement (I had my blood drawn yesterday for my Vitamin D level)

– Get plenty of sleep, don’t smoke, reduce stress and be sure to exercise.  In women who go through early menopause, weight training is just as important as cardio because of the risk of osteoporosis.

So, for many reasons, especially what I discussed above, I’m going to start Weight Watchers tomorrow or Saturday – whenever I have more time to get weighed in.  I don’t go to the meetings – I have 2 apps on my phone that I use to keep track of my points.  My goal is to lose 20-25 pounds.  I’m also going to start walking on the treadmill everyday until I’m cleared to run and start lifting weights again.  This will probably happen in 3 weeks when I see Dr. Serletti again.  I have a goal of running a 5K before the end of the summer.  I hate running for no reason.  Give me a soccer ball or a basketball and there is a purpose.  But, I’m forcing myself to do this.  Completing a 5K will probably be more difficult for me than kicking cancer’s ass!

I can’t find the words to express to you how important it is to be your own advocate.  Ask plenty of questions and become familiar with your bodies and your diagnosis.  Read up on things.  If you’re unable to do this yourself, find someone who the knowledge who can help you.  It’s so important.  It’s your life so take charge of it.


“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”  – Vince Lombardi Jr.

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!


Who is Barbara v2.0?

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It’s been a little while since I’ve written.  Things have been a bit crazier than normal around our house!  All 5 of us needed to readjust after my surgery.  Keep in mind that Sal and I really hadn’t slept for 6 days once we returned home.  For the first 48 hours post surgery, my breasts needed to be checked every hour.  After the first 48 hours, my breasts were being checked every 2 hours until I was discharged.  Needless to say, I didn’t rest much.  Sal didn’t leave my side while I was in the hospital, so he didn’t rest much either.

The past 2 weeks have been going very well.  I’m close to regaining my full range of motion.  I’ve been doing an OT regiment twice daily which consists of stretches, mostly.  Jameson, Chase, and Cameron are all doing well, too.  Jameson lost her second tooth this week while Cam is popping 2 more!  Cameron has been adjusting to all of the new faces helping out at our house and she’s doing better than I expected.   Chase and Sal are also doing great.  I feel fortunate to have such a strong support system in my family and friends.  My hair is really starting to grow back but I’m still wearing Sugar and hats because I don’t have enough self confidence to venture out with a pixie.  Plus, it’s soo cold!!  I don’t know how you bald gentlemen do it!

I wanted to address a few things in this post that have been bothering me for the past few weeks.  Sal and I have been more than gracious, I think, to be sharing everything so openly with everyone.  There are certain things that I do not feel comfortable sharing with the world.  I mentioned this once before and I’d like to mention it again.  Please don’t tell me how lucky I am to have a new body.  I’ll have the worry of a cancer recurrence for the rest of my life.  I’d trade my body for your body in return for a clean bill of health in a second.  Please don’t ask to see my body or ask me what my new size is.  Are you insane??  Would you go up to a complete stranger on the street and ask her to unbutton her blouse?  It’s just as offensive to me as it is, I would assume, to a complete stranger.  Bottom line – please think before you speak and have a little bit of compassion.

This week, Sal and I have 4 meetings at Penn on Wednesday.  We’ve been told that everything turned out just as my physicians had expected.  My treatment, so far, will be proceeding as planned.  At Penn, we’ll be following up with the breast surgeon, the plastic surgeon, the oncologist, and a dietitian.  I asked to speak with a dietitian who specializes in cancer diets.  I want to do everything I can to live healthier to prevent even the slightest chance of this cancer showing its ugly face again.  So, if you notice that I’m losing a lot of weight in the next few months, there is nothing wrong with me!  I’m taking on a much healthier lifestyle – organic food, limiting red meat, and lots of exercise.  I’m looking forward to what the dietitian has to say.  On Thursday, I visit Dr. Saidman’s office for a Herceptin treatment.  Next week, we meet with Dr. Peters, my radiation oncologist, to start setting up my radiation program.

So, Sal titled the first post after surgery as Barbara v2.0.  He’s pretty clever!  Who is this and what does it mean?  I’ll tell you!

Barbara v2.0 is Barbara Sciandra with all of the kinks worked out.  She’s smaller, healthier, and cancer free.  Barbara v2.0 values health and wellness as well as diet and exercise.  Barbara v2.0 has a greater zest for life and lives life to the fullest even more so than she did in the older version.  She appreciates the little things and doesn’t sweat the small stuff.  This updated version hugs more and loves more and is sure to let those around her know how much they mean to her.  She values her family, friends and those thoughtful members of the community who are always willing to lend a helping hand.  2.0 is making a conscious effort to pay it forward because it’s important.  Barbara v2.0 is grateful for research, modern medicine and those that practice it.  v2.0 is much more spiritual and prays not only in times of need but is also making a conscious effort to pray in times of thanksgiving.  Most importantly, Barbara v2.0 takes her vows much more seriously now that she knows what “in sickness and in health” really means.  So, newer, in this case, is better!

Let’s end with a laugh…………



LIVESTRONG and God Bless!


I’ve Never Felt So Loved

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Hey Everyone!  It’s been a little while since I’ve written and I have quite a bit to share with you.

Big Girl

Let’s back up and begin with last Wednesday, January 30, 2013.  Sal and I dropped Jameson and Chase off at school and headed to Dr. Saidman’s office for my Herceptin treatment.  We then headed to the mall so I could purchase big zip-up sweatshirts and big, comfy sweatpants.  FYI:  if you’re going for a mastectomy, XL sweatshirts won’t cut it.  Think XXXL sweatshirts.  You need to account for swelling and the number of drains that you’ll have when you’re going home.  Anyway, after the mall, we had lunch together and also had a tough conversation.  Although Sal and I both have living wills, power of attorneys, etc., I needed to make sure that Sal knew exactly what I wanted in case anything should happen to me.  I wanted to make sure that he would be ok, that my kids would be well taken care of, that I wouldn’t be kept on life support life a vegetable for longer than a week, and that my organs would be donated if viable.  Conversations like this aren’t fun, but they need to happen – and they should probably happen fairly regularly in case your wishes change.

On Thursday morning, Sal and I volunteered during the kids gym day at school for Catholic Schools Week and hit the road for Philly.  Once we arrived at our hotel, I sat in the car and cried for about an hour.  I’m tough, but I’m human.  I really thought that I was going to die on Friday.  Well, the bad part of me did die on Friday!  Anyway, we stayed at the Penn Tower Hotel – a complete D-U-M-P!  We knew that before we decided to stay there, though.  It’s literally attached to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital via a walkway, so it made it so much more convenient to get to the hospital.  My Mom and sister stayed at the Inn at Penn which was only about 4 blocks away.  Every room there is equipped with an iPad, so there was quite a difference between rooms!  Believe it or not, my hotel room cost more.  They must pay the rodents that live in the tub!  On Thursday night, my Mom treated us to dinner at the Capital Grille.  As our annoying waitress talked about 15 year aged balsamic and pronounced “mozzarella” and “ricotta” like she grew up in Sicily rather than in South Philly, all I could think about was my procedure in the morning.

On Friday, February 1, 2013, I arrived at the University of Pennsylvania’s admissions office at 6am.  I was then lead to pre-op where I separated from Sal for a few minutes while I dressed in my hospital gown and socks.  I was permitted to keep my glasses and bini cap on until it was time to go back.  Believe it or not, by this point, I felt pretty calm.  Dr. Cierniecki came by for a quick hello and I spoke to one of his residents, also.  Dr. Serletti also came by to check all of the markings that his resident made on my body with a purple sharpie marker.  The anesthesiologist started my IV and then gave me something to “relax”.  I didn’t bother to ask what it was!  At that point, the honey badger didn’t care!  I asked her if she was sure that I would stay asleep during the entire procedure and she, of course, smiled and reassured me.  I gave Sal a kiss and we parted ways.  As the anesthesiologist was wheeling me back to the OR, I told her that I was amazed by sedation medications.  I don’t remember learning too much about them in school.  I asked her what I was receiving and she told me Propofol.  I said, “like Michael Jackson!”  She said, “Yes, but we’re in a hospital, so it’s ok!”  The last thing I remember is taking big, deep breaths into a mask then waking up after the surgery.  Michael Jackson was right – it was the best sleep EVER!

I woke up in the middle of a dream and thought that something was wrong.  There was a lot going on around me.  The breathing tube was out and I can remember asking if everything was ok, if I was finished, if there were any complications, if any of the cancer looked “alive” or if everything was necrosed, and I kept asking for Sal.  To be honest, I felt like something was wrong.  I wasn’t sure if was alive or dead.  I distinctly remember, with a very hoarse voice, telling a man and a woman – not sure if they were residents, doctors, nurses, or students – to get the blood pressure cuff that they had just placed on my left arm OFF.  I told them probably 3 times before they understood me.  I said, “I just had all of the lymph nodes removed, you can’t put the cuff there.”  Even under sedation, you still have to be your own advocate.

Once Sal was finally allowed back to see me, I asked him to take a picture of me.  I’ll spare you the picture.  I didn’t realize how swollen surgery makes you.  I look worse than Monica in a fat suit!  My Mom came back next and stayed for a few minutes and left so my sister could come back, too.  Sal’s Dad headed back to Pittston.  He wanted to allow my Mom and sister to see me first.  Only 2 people were permitted in the post-op area.  Unfortunately, my room in the Rhoades Pavillion wasn’t ready until about 2am.

The Rhoades Pavillion was awesome!  If being in the hospital is like a party, Rhoades is where it’s at!  They’re really cool about allowing visitors to stay as long as they’d like, try to keep the patient super comfortable, and are the kindest people on the planet.  I have to commend the nurses in the Rhoades Pavillion.  They were fantastic.  Actually, fantastic doesn’t even begin to describe these very special people.  They were angels.  I was treated by both men and women, most of whom were probably 5-10 years younger than me and I’m pretty young!  These “kids” were just wonderful and caring and exceptional at what they do.  I’m telling you – there is a special place in heaven for nurses.

I spent the next 2 days high.  Really.  I don’t remember too much between the anesthesia leaving my system and the pain medication entering my system.  I was on a PCA (patient controlled analgesia) of morphine.  They had it set up so I was able to get a shot of morphine every 10 minutes.  I can count the number of times on one hand that I pressed the “buzzer” during my entire hospital stay.  I hate the way I feel on medication like this.  Once I was switched to oral meds, I was allowed 2 Percocet 5/325mg.  I took 1 pill a total of 3 times.  This gave me dreams that made me feel like I was at Woodstock.

If I can offer anyone advice about having major surgery it would be this:  get out of bed and start walking around as soon as they’ll let you.  It SUCKS!  I’m not going to lie.  Getting out of bed after this procedure was tougher than after any of my C-sections because your abdomen is cut from hip to hip and you’re unable to push or pull with your arms.  Basically, I felt like that guy from Stephen King’s Misery.  But, I felt so much better once I was up and going.  I included the picture below so you can see the kind of walker that you need to use for at least the first day.  It helps to keep you a little hunched over until you’re ready to walk completely upright.  I was tearing up the halls with this thing!


The worst thing about having a mastectomy is the drains.  Ask Sal, my sister, or my Mom.  I’m obsessed with them!  Now that I know I’m driving my sister crazy by talking about them, I can’t help myself!  I’m getting 2 out of 5 drains out tomorrow.  I can’t wait!  They are such a pain in the ass!  My cousin, Dr. Lou Blaum, will be taking the out for me so I don’t need to travel down to Philly for a 10 minute procedure.  I still wish that Lou was able to do the mastectomy for me, but there is no one in my area qualified to do the reconstruction like Dr. Serletti at Penn.

During my hospital stay, I was visited by my cousin, Katie, and my college friends, Brooke, Lee, and Kate.  Thanks so much for visiting, everyone.  Sorry that I wasn’t much company.  The sandwiches and girl scout cookies were big hits!!

I was discharged on Tuesday, February 5, 3013 – the feast day of St. Agatha, the patron saint of breast cancer.  I’m never able to fall asleep in the car, but I slept from the time we left Penn until the time we pulled onto Pinewood Drive.  I was so excited to see my kids and so thankful that my Aunt Tina and Uncle Pat stayed at my house with the kids for the duration of my hospital stay.  It was a comfort knowing that my kids were well cared for while we were away.  It feels so good to be home.  Sal helped shower me as soon as we got home – you’re not really permitted to shower while you’re in the hospital and I couldn’t wait to wash everything off of me.  Sal gave me another gift once I got home.  He knows me so well!!


I want to thank Sal for being the best husband ever.  He allowed me to cry before the procedure, told me I looked pretty even when I looked really bad, helped me get through some tough, humiliating experiences, never left my side and has never complained since this journey began.  I’m partial, but if there could be a role model for husbands, it would be Sal – and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  I want to thank my sister for staying at the hospital with Sal and I until Tuesday.  Because Ann is an OT, she was such a helping hand.  Ann also rearranged her work schedule and flew back from California on a red-eye last week.  She is so selfless and caring and never asks for anything in return.  She’s a wonderful aunt to my 3 kids and I love her dearly.  I want to thank my Mom for being an excellent mother.  I have the strength that I do because I had my Mom as my teacher.  Faced with a terrible loss after my Dad died, my Mother taught my sister and I how to be graceful and courageous.  I want to thank my father-in-law, Sammy, for being there for us on Friday.  Sammy is the rock of the Sciandra family and his presence is a comfort.  Sam is too humble to ever receive any kind of special recognition but this is my blog so I’m giving it to him!  I also want to thank each one of you that thought of me or said a special prayer for me on Friday.  Sal, Ann, my Mom, and Sammy had my prayer book, rosary beads, medals, and relics while I was in surgery.  I know that more Masses were being said for me than for a dead person!  Please know that all of your prayers definitely helped.  I also want to thank those of you who wore pink on February 1 in support of “Barb’s Army”.  Please e-mail me your pictures so I can post them on this blog (

I’ll end tonight with the following story from Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul:

Where there is great love, there are always miracles. -Willa Cather

A few days after hearing the devastating news that the shadow on the mammogram was indeed cancer, I received a call I’ll never forget from an aunt who was a breast-cancer survivor. The only part of the conversation I remember was one simple line: “You’ll never feel so loved.”

At the time I had no clue what that could mean, but I thanked her for calling and began the journey that every cancer patient goes through.

I began to understand the power of these five little words a few days after my aunt’s call, when I telephoned my daughter about the diagnosis and the upcoming surgery. Her first words were simple and direct: “I’m on my way!” Not, “What can I do?” Or, “I’ll try to come,” or even “Do you want me to come?” but simply, “I’m on my way!” With the support and encouragement from her husband, my daughter was with me until I no longer needed her help. I felt so loved.

Later that same day, with only twenty minutes’ notice, a friend volunteered to meet my husband and me at the doctor’s office to be the extra ears and note taker. Quietly, in the background, she was the one who held it together when my husband left the room (sick), and I began crying. She asked all the right questions and later went over the facts one by one, helping us comprehend all that was happening. What a gift! I knew she cared about us, and I felt so loved.

In spite of all the frightening, horrific things that were taking place, I began to understand how the love of God and others would carry me through, and I knew I would be able to conquer this thing called cancer. The love was manifested in so many ways: cards, calls, prayers, meals and sometimes just one little sentence would carry me through a difficult day.

I remember my husband holding me in his arms, reading from a book given to me from a coworker of his, also a breast-cancer survivor, who was sure we would both enjoy reading it. I was too tired, so he read aloud every night, and we laughed and cried together. I not only felt his love, but also was touched by the fact that someone I had never met cared enough to think of me.

I had retired the year before my diagnosis, and one day a former coworker of mine stopped by with a basket full of thoughtful gifts from friends at the office: a warm hat to cover my thinning hair, inspirational books to lift my spirits, aromatherapy candles and bubble bath to soothe my body, and much more. They cared enough to remember me, and I felt so loved!

In times of need, everyone knows that family will be there for you, but I was overwhelmed by the way my immediate and extended family came through. Parents, sisters and in-laws joined together to provide support and encouragement in so many wonderful ways. They were with me every step of the way. In fact, my sister was there when I had my last chemotherapy session, and a niece planned a big surprise party to celebrate the end of my treatments!

A daughter-in-law, without being asked, came and cleaned our whole house; our sons provided hugs, teasing and comforting words; neighbors and friends brought meals. The prayers, flowers, calls and cards of countless others were all given in the name of love. These are the things I still remember today because they carried me through a difficult time, and I am filled with gratitude.

As I look back, I have experienced what my aunt meant when she said, “You’ll never feel so loved.” In great part because of this love I am a cancer survivor. Yes, the treatments and advice of wonderful doctors and the prayers of many helped save my life, but I also believe that if the soul is being fed, the body will heal.

If you are going through a journey like mine, look for all the love that is being sent your way, for you will be comforted and treasured. Believe me, you’ll never feel so loved!

-Sharon Bomgaars


I want to thank all of you, once again, for your constant love and support.  I’ve received so many cards, calls, texts, e-mails, flowers, meals and gifts and I appreciate everything more than you could ever imagine.  I’ve never felt so loved.

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!



Day2 – Super Recovery Sunday

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Good Afternoon Team Barb,

Thanks Again for all your well wishes and cheer the past 36hours.  Even though Barb hasn’t responded to any messages, she’s read each one and is lifted by your constant support and humor.  Unfortunately (for you) she’s still not quite up for writing herself so again you’ll just have to endure my sharing a quick update as to the progress of our favorite patient.

Day 1 was challenging with a combination of anesthesia side-effects, general soreness, pain medication lethargy, and a bit of a fever in the evening.  The good news is this is all normal for surgical patients and her procedures.  The anesthesia side-effects are temporary and have subsided until this point.  The soreness is normal and will wane in time.  Barb has minimally depended on any kind of pain meds until this point, and the fever was very short lived.

Part of Barb’s constant care and monitoring the first 48hrs includes checking the relocated tissue in her chest for vascular integrity.  Every 60min beginning the moment Barb came out of surgery a nurse uses a small ultrasound device to listen for blood flow and circulation in her chest tissue.  Unfortunately with the round-the-clock care, things haven’t been very restful for her.  With a reconstruction like Barb’s where her own tissue was used to help build-up the resected areas there’s always a risk the tissue/vessels won’t thrive.  And in case a failure starts to develop it’s best to catch it very soon so the surgeons could get her back into an OR to repair things.  But so far her relocated tissue has been very healthy in color, warmth, and sound.  We’re not completely out of the woods, but things look very good.

In general, Barb is doing well.  Expectations for Day1 were very low, but still Barb was determined to try and start moving.  Early on Saturday morning Barb pivoted into a bedside chair for a while which was a mile ahead of what most others can accomplish.  But then the soreness became more evident, I think she was a little hung-over from the anesthesia drugs, and in the evening a high fever crept up which was as confusing as it was quick to retreat.  By the time she started to feel a bit better it was nighttime and best that she just try to continue to rest and get some sleep considering the past few days.

So as I write this from Barb’s bedside on Sunday afternoon, there have been no complications which is a huge positive.  Day 2 was a bit of a transitional day.  Barb successfully pivoted into the same bedside chair this morning again which earned her removal of the catheter.  And she’s even progressed as far as going for two short walks this afternoon. She’s no longer attached to any tubes/wires and her pain can be controlled with oral medications so no more IVs either.

Getting out of bed has done wonders for her today. She’s talking a bit more, the headache is gone, and it’s easy to see she’s becoming more independently mobile…  In total, I’d say we’re getting our girl back…

On a more humorous note, Barb’s done a great job letting her team of world-class providers take care of her around the clock.  And as you all know, Barb doesn’t take direction from many people.  Though there was one point this morning when she self-diagnosed and prescribed herself a cup of coffee to help with the headache.  Of course the MDs declined as caffeine restricts vessels and could affect her tissue condition, but I saw a moment of hesitation in her eyes and could almost count on the rebuttal.  Fortunately she held back and took the doctor’s advice.  But I’m pretty sure if someone dressed up Juan Valdez in a white coat and a stethoscope she would take his advice over the surgeon’s recommendations.

Thanks again for all your love and support.  Barb knows you’re all praying and cheering for her and it helps tremendously every time. I think we’re on the upswing of the early recovery process and I’m looking forward to getting you more updates later tonight or tomorrow.

If you have any questions or concerns, Please feel free to reach out any way you can.  I’m available all the time and don’t mind keeping anyone in tune with what’s happening.  You just need to remind me…

Have a wonderful night, go Ravens, and stay warm.

BARBSTRONG and God Bless.


P.S.  Below is a picture of Barb with her new pet named ‘Randall.’  Randall is a honey badger.  When you press his paw he speaks certain phrases not intended for young ears.  He’s a vulgar little critter, but he makes her laugh and she loves him dearly…  And incredibly, you can barely tell the difference between the pre-op picture I posted yesterday and the 36hr post-op picture below.  Honey badger.  Also our children were generous enough to make some cards to decorate Barb’s room.  You can see them below as well…






Barbara v2.0

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Good Evening Team Barb,

Until this point I’ve purposely remained silent on this blog for a number of reasons, but most importantly for sake of keeping the focus of things where it belongs; Barbara and her path to wellness.

But I promised to post a brief update in Barb’s stead once the surgery was through and we knew she was stable enough to feel comfortable sharing her progress.  So, here goes…

I was with Barb all the way through pre-Op, until they wheeled her into the OR this morning around 7:30am.  I proceeded to the family lounge area where I was greeted by my father, Sammy.  Barb’s mom & sister, Elaine and Ann,  were soon to follow.  We all spent the day together passing the hours as creatively and healthily as we could.  I worked on my laptop some, Ann read, Sammy texted, and Elaine attempted some yoga-moves to keep loose.

UPenn has a great process for keeping waiting families updated on the surgical progress of their loved ones.  About every 2hrs an assigned nurse visits up to thirty active ORs to gather progress notes on the surgical floor.  Once complete, she visits the family lounge where patients’ families will gather for general status reports.  We were fortunate to have 3-4 updates through the day, each with encouraging news of Barb’s steps through the different surgeries.

Once each of the attending surgeons was through with his portion of the surgery, they called the lounge to give me a brief summary of things.  In total, the procedures themselves went very well without any complications.  The double mastectomy was completed without any unanticipated steps or findings.  And the reconstruction seemed to have gone just as well.  In total, Barb was sedated for about 10hrs when they removed the breathing tube and moved her into post-Op.  I was fortunate enough to join her soon after where I found her to be expectedly sleepy but lucid.  She made a few jokes about the funny shower-cap she had to wear for the surgery, and was sure to ask if I had eaten all day.  It’s easy to see she’s started bouncing back already…

Of course we have a few days of recovery to get through, but I’m sure we’ll be OK.  There’s a certain toughness Barb possesses as you already know.  She’s just one of the most resilient people you’ll ever know.  One step at a time; slow & steady wins the race.

I’m sure Barb will post something herself in the next few days.  Until then, Please feel free to send her some cheer via Text or Email.  And kindly identify yourself in case Barb doesn’t already have your number in her phone…  Every time she laughs, she gets a little better…and a little closer to getting home.  So let’s see if we can speed up the recovery the best way Barb knows how to heal…

(m) 570.407.0780

Thank You for all of your love and support.  It’s not just words, we feel it every day.  If it takes a village to raise a family, I think you’ve been part of our metropolis the past six months.

Barb - Feb 1st, Pre-OP


BARBSTRONG and God Bless.



Can One Person Make a Difference?

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One week from now around this time, I should be waking up from a 10 hour procedure.  I can’t wait to get it over with so I may begin moving forward.  My goals for the next few months are pretty simple:  recover from surgery, finish radiation, get back to work, run a 5-K, and figure out how I’m going to leave my mark as a cancer survivor.  I need to feel as though I’m making a difference.  I’ve been tossing all sorts of ideas around in my head and I haven’t quite come up with anything yet.  I’m open to suggestion!

So, can one person make a difference?  Read the following and you be the judge.

I hope that each of you make the most of your weekend.

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!


Those who cheer you today may curse you tomorrow……

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“What are my chances?  It was a question I would repeat over and over.  But it was irrelevant, wasn’t it?  It didn’t matter, because the medical odds don’t take into account the unfathomable.  There is no proper way to estimate somebody’s chances, and we shouldn’t try, because we can never be entirely right, and it deprives people of hope.  Hope that is the only antidote to fear.”  – Lance Armstrong, It’s Not About the Bike

So, maybe I’m the last Lance supporter on planet Earth.  Why, as a society, do we enjoy watching someone fall from grace?  Why is it that those who cheer you today may curse you tomorrow?  Yes, Lance Armstrong lied and cheated and I’m sure he did many more terrible things.  Haven’t we all done something awful at some point in our lives?  Let him who is without sin cast the first stone, right?  Lance Armstrong also overcame cancer – a pretty ugly cancer, too.  He had testicular cancer with mets to his abdomen, lungs and brain.  It’s a miracle that he’s still alive, let alone able to ride a bike.

I started reading Lance’s first book, It’s Not About the Bike, 2 days ago.  I’m a little more than halfway through and I can’t seem to put it down.  One of Sal’s friends sent it to me in August and I just got around to reading it.  Lance’s story is remarkable.  The book is really making me think about myself.  Strangely enough, I’ve been comparing myself to Lance Armstrong.  I’m used to leading a very fast paced life.  I like to keep myself and my family very busy.  Maybe I, too, was a little too cocky.  I was blessed with a pretty normal life.  I grew up in a hard-working, middle class family with 2 parents who were married 29 years at the time of my Dad’s passing.  I have a sister that’s 3 years younger than me.  I graduated from a Catholic grade school, a public high school and a college that specialized in health sciences.  I was decent at sports and always had an easy time making friends.  I married my high school sweetheart and was blessed with 3 beautiful, healthy children.  I had a good job which afforded me a nice house with nice furniture, a nice car, nice clothes, nice vacations – all of the material possessions society would use to measure a person’s success.  I’ve really gotten everything that I’ve ever wanted and more.  I felt unstoppable my entire life.  My life was pretty charmed.  I’ve never let anyone or anything come between me and my goals.  The world was my playground – I worked hard and played hard.  Until August 17, 2012.

On August 17, 2012, I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me.  I would have traded every vacation that I’ve ever taken for more time.  I would have sold my house, my car, my jewelry, and my clothes for another shot at life.  Unfortunately, there are no deals to be made with cancer.  Cancer doesn’t care how famous you are, how much money you have, or even if you’re still needed by your family and friends.

I always thought that a heart attack would be what would get me.  Although I love healthy foods, I inherited my father’s love of junk, too!  Still, though, I figured that I would beat my father’s demise at the age of 57 by simply popping a pill – Lipitor.  Never in a million years did I think that I’d have cancer to worry about, especially at my age.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I still feel as though this isn’t what’s going to get me.  Maybe I’ll get it again and then again after that, but I’ll never stop fighting.  I have way too much to live for.  My surgery is next Friday and don’t worry.  If I happen to see the light or if I’m greeted my Dad or my Uncle Joe or my Lollie, I’ll just tell them that I’m not ready yet!  If I happen to see flames instead…..well.  I’ll kindly ask to return to life for repentance!

Lance Armstrong did some pretty crappy things.  This is true.  However, you can’t fake beating cancer.  Beating cancer isn’t something that you can lie about.  No one will ever take that away from him.  I don’t wish to be like Lance Armstrong, the competitive cyclist, but I would like to mimic Lance Armstrong, the cancer conqueror.  I’ll continue to end every message as I did with my first post because I still believe in the LIVESTRONG Manifesto which states the following:


“We believe in life. Your life. We believe in living every minute of it with every ounce of your being. And that you must not let cancer take control of it. We believe in energy: channeled and fierce. We believe in focus: getting smart and living strong. Unity is strength. Knowledge is power. Attitude is everything. This is LIVESTRONG.

We kick in the moment you’re diagnosed. We help you accept the tears. Acknowledge the rage. We believe in your right to live without pain. We believe in information. Not pity. And in straight, open talk about cancer. With husbands, wives and partners. With kids, friends and neighbors. Your healthcare team. And the people you live with, work with, cry and laugh with. This is no time to pull punches. You’re in the fight of your life.

We’re about the hard stuff. Like finding the nerve to ask for a second opinion. And a third, or a fourth, if that’s what it takes. We’re about preventing cancer. Finding it early. Getting smart about clinical trials. And if it comes to it, being in control of how your life ends. It’s your life. You will have it your way.

We’re about the practical stuff. Planning for surviving. Banking your sperm. Preserving your fertility. Organizing your finances. Dealing with hospitals, specialists, insurance companies and employers. It’s knowing your rights. It’s your life. Take no prisoners.

We’re about the fight. We’re your advocate before policymakers. Your champion within the healthcare system. Your sponsor in the research labs. And we know the fight never ends. Cancer may leave your body, but it never leaves your life. This is LIVESTRONG. Founded and inspired by Lance Armstrong, one of the toughest cancer survivors on the planet.”


I also believe that miracles can and do happen.  We must never, ever give up on ourselves and we must always have hope.  I’m still not letting anyone or anything get in the way of my goals.  Cancer messed with the wrong person!

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!
