

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Can One Person Make a Difference?

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One week from now around this time, I should be waking up from a 10 hour procedure.  I can’t wait to get it over with so I may begin moving forward.  My goals for the next few months are pretty simple:  recover from surgery, finish radiation, get back to work, run a 5-K, and figure out how I’m going to leave my mark as a cancer survivor.  I need to feel as though I’m making a difference.  I’ve been tossing all sorts of ideas around in my head and I haven’t quite come up with anything yet.  I’m open to suggestion!

So, can one person make a difference?  Read the following and you be the judge.

I hope that each of you make the most of your weekend.

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

10 Responses to “Can One Person Make a Difference?”

  1. lisa says:

    I think that making this blog into a book would make a difference to people going through cancer and also to the people that care about them! It has everything a good book should, story, laughter, determination,facts, reality, ups and downs and I’m sure a “happy ending!”

  2. Jen Sanguedolce says:

    Hi Barb – I’ve been reading this blog from the start, and I have had you in my prayers all the time. I haven’t commented…sort of the quiet supporter. But, reading this post I couldn’t help put something in this section.

    Your blog is amazing. It’s amazing that you’re sharing your journey with “us”, and doing so in such a real way. You write so honestly, as a woman, a mom, a wife, etc. I read this and I’m not overcome with sadness. Rather, I feel like I am right there fighting with you/for you to kick the crap out of that cancer. Of course I am sad that you have to go through this. But, I know you will overcome this, and I know you know that’s true!

    That being said…I think this blog is already Making a difference. For me, this blog has made me see that your life has not stopped because of cancer…you still have a house to clean, kids to feed, etc. THAT is amazing, especially since I can barely keep it together with a runny nose! This blog has inspired me to try to do more to support cancer research, and to really believe that a positive attitude is a force to be reckoned with. BarbStrong is a good name for this page, because damn – you are definitely strong! Your positive attitude, engaging writing style, and humor can definitely bring hope and smiles to so many going through the same thing! Or, make someone like me learn a little more to offer support to a friend or a stranger.

    I’ll be thinking of you next week. And, you are right – lipstick really does wonders when there’s no time for make-up! :-). Best wishes to you and your family.


  3. donna recker says:

    Yes ,one person can make a difference. I read the Susan G Komen story and it really hit home. Been there done that. Although I am still going through reconstruction I have been diesease free for over a year and often wonder what I can do to make a difference.At one of my doctors appointments a complete stranger handed me a beautiful gift basket filled with little things that come in handy.I am putting together a basket for my next visit to give to someone going through chemo.Just a small gesture that might brighten their day.Your blog has made a difference. It`s something that I look forward to reading and hope you continue writing through your recovery(as you know ,I backed out of the diep flap…nerves got the best of me)and after you kick cancers ass.I will definitely be thinking and praying for you. I can`t wait to hear about the surgery. There really isn`t enough information given to women about breast cancer.It is so much more involved than we think until you have to deal with it yourself.It changes your views on life forever. stay strong

  4. Barb Marchand says:

    I have been reading all along and have not found the time to write!!! not a good idea. we want you to continue to know there are us out there still praying and love reading the blog and sharing your life as you move on with confidence to beat this thing cancer. well that was a long sentence!!!we will be thinking esp. hard about you next week and waiting to hear how you got through just great and are a little tired and will wait for the next blog. Our prayers continue, keep up the humor; i know it helps, actually you can’t stop, its you!! and that great attitude. It has gotten you to this point and will continue to drive you forward.
    i have never worn lipstick but when you are a little under the weather and look in the mirror; well i have had some on all week. it does help.
    will wait to hear from you and God Bless you all.

  5. Caroline says:

    My Hero!!!

    You’ve already sparked such a difference. You are such an inspiration and one of the strongest women I know and so lucky to call family! <3

    All my love,

  6. Evelyn. Crich-Hogan says:

    Barb, You are making a difference everyday by sharing what you are going through. I have not written on your Blog before this but have been reading what you post. I think you have to be one of the strongest people I know to deal with cancer head on and put it out there for all of us to see. From reading your blogs I realize that you should never sweat the small stuff in life and to live each day to the fullest. Thanks for making a difference in my life and for giving me more awareness to Breast Cancer.

    Prayers coming your way today and always!!!


  7. Bernie p. says:

    You are in my prayers . May God comfort and help you. I am inspired by your blogs. Thank you for sharing your experience. Berni

  8. donna recker says:

    Just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow.Although I didn`t have the tram flap but I did have many surgeries.Double mastectectomies being the longest and most frightening for many reasons,but it really wasn`t bad at all. My problems are with the expanders. For me it`s really tough getting reconstructed .Can`t wait to see how you make out. I`ll be thinking about you. Stay strong

  9. Jess says:

    Sending lots of love and prayers your direction! Time for a new chapter 🙂 So inspired by your journey, strength and spirit!

  10. Cookus says:

    We got your back Wonder Woman!!! Xoxox

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