

Breast Cancer Ribbon

I’m 35!!!!!

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I made it!  Whoo Hoo!!  I turned 35 yesterday and Sal turned 35 today.  I tease him and tell him that he chased me here!  I listen to the radio while I’m in the shower every morning.  The first song that I heard yesterday was Billy Joel’s, Only the Good Die Young.  I hope it wasn’t a sign!  It couldn’t have been because I don’t think that I’m very good!!!


It’s been crazy since I last wrote.  My sister, Ann, flew in from California on Sunday.  She didn’t tell ANYONE that she was coming.  This was very smart of her since someone in our family definitely would have spilled the beans!  Ann knows how much I dislike surprises; however, this was certainly a welcome surprise!  Ann’s surprise reminded me of a scene from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation:

Eddie:  You surprised to see us, Clark?

Clark:  Oh, Eddie…If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am now.


It’s really been bananas around here.  Cameron turned one on May 29, Chase had his Pre-K Move Up day on May 30, and Jameson had her kindergarten graduation on June 3.  We celebrated Cam’s birthday at our house on Memorial Day.  It was a great day!  The weather was perfect and we were fortunate to be surrounded by our family and friends.  Although it was only about 75 degrees last Monday, that didn’t stop the kids from swimming.


This is a picture of Cameron pre-festivities.


Cameron didn’t dig her hat.  I think she knew that she looked ridiculous!


Cam enjoyed smashing her cake.  She didn’t eat her cake like we thought that she would.  She was more interested in smacking and laughing!  It was so much fun to watch.


This is a picture of Cameron after her nap and outfit change.  She loves playing with Jim Pat’s phone and is such a happy little girl.  I took her for her one year well-visit this afternoon.  She’s a peanut!  She is in the 20th percentile for her height and weight but in the 84th for her head circumference!  All of our kids have big noggins!!  Hey, what can I say?  They’re obviously super duper smart kids!!!!  I told you – Cameron is going to change the world.

Chase’s “move-up” ceremony was so sweet.  Chase isn’t really moving up, though.  Chase doesn’t turn 5 until July 25 so we needed to decide if Chase would be one of the oldest or youngest children in his class.  We opted to make him one of the older kids.  Therefore, Chase will be doing another year of pre-school next year.  Sal and I are thrilled!  We love the pre-school teachers and tease them that they’re stuck with us for at least 3 more years – 1 more for Chase and 2 for Cam.  The children’s school does such a great job with the kids and we couldn’t be happier with our choice for their educations.


Chase getting ready to leave the house for his big day!  We practiced his line with him religiously – “Next, enjoy our Hawaiian song, Pearly Shells!”  Chase got up on stage, adjusted the microphone, and said his line loud and proud!  Very loud!  I asked him afterwards if his teachers instructed him on adjusting the microphone.  Chase said, “No, Mom.  I just knew that I needed to do it!”


Chase anxiously waiting to receive his medal!


Chase receiving his medal from our school’s principal, Ms. Gilmartin.  She’s awesome!


This is a picture of Chase with one of his teachers, Mrs. Miller, and his classmate (and Mrs. Miller’s daughter), Maddie.


Chase and his teacher, Mrs. Simkulak


Chase and Mrs. Loftus


Chase and Mrs. Jankowiak

We included pictures of Chase with his teachers because we love them!  They’ve been HUGE supporters this year and we can’t thank them enough.


Jameson graduated on Monday evening.  It was the usual mayhem trying to get out the door on time.  Cam goes to bed for the night at 6:30pm.  Yes, she does.  She sleeps from 6:30pm until 6:30am.  I know – we’ve been blessed with great sleepers.  Once our kids started sleeping through the night and got on a schedule, it’s been (knock on wood) easy peasy, lemon squeezie, as the kids say!  I’m getting off track.  An eighth grade student at the kids’ school used to live right around the corner from us.  Her family has since moved but she still comes when we ask her to.  Her name is Denise and she’s an absolute doll.  We love her entire family.  Anyway, I felt awful leaving a screaming Cameron with this poor girl.  Cam hates everyone, remember?!!  Cam eventually calmed down – I was texting Denise to see how things were going.  As Jameson was walking onto the stage and the program was about to begin, Denise texted to tell me that she took Cam outside and put her on the swing – like I had suggested – and locked herself out of the house!  I felt terrible.  My sister, who flew in from California, drove back to our house to let Denise and Cameron back in!  I’m telling you.  It’s insane around here.

You will all love this story.  On the way to Jameson’s graduation, the following happened:

Chase:  Mom, some girls have short hair like you.

Jameson:  Yes, like on that TV show, Ellen.


Here are a few pictures from Jameson’s graduation.

Jameson K
Jameson all dressed up and ready to go!  As I was getting Jameson ready, I noticed something different on top of her head – her hair looked out of place.  Check out the following dialogue:

Barb:  Jameson, did you cut your hair?!

Jameson:  Yes, I did, Mommy.

Barb:  Why did you do that, James?

Jameson:  I wanted those things that Mrs. McHale has.

Barb:  Bangs??!!!!

Jameson:  I guess that’s what they’re called!

Barb:  Jameson, honey, please don’t cut your hair again.  I take you to The Sapphire for haircuts because the people there know what they’re doing.  You and I DO NOT!!

Jameson:  Ok, Mommy!

Here’s the thing.  I have NO IDEA when Jameson did this.  I give her a bath and wash her hair every night.  I get her ready for school every morning.  I didn’t notice this before yesterday at around 4pm.  Luckily, you can’t notice that she cut a small chunk of her hair.  As it starts to grow back in, though, Jameson is going to get the bangs that she was gunning for!


This is James and her teacher, Mrs. McHale – the one with the bangs!  We, unfortunately, didn’t get a picture with Mrs. Nealon last night.  Like Mrs. McHale, she, too, is a great lady.  Her daughter, Sara, is in Jameson’s class.  They’re little buddies.


A family photo (minus Cam) after the ceremony.


Barb and Ann – I still can’t believe that she surprised us…..and missed the graduation!  God love this girl.  Best.  Sister.  Ever.


I am so behind with thank yous.  I figure, though, that our culture says that you have a year to get wedding thank yous out, right?  I figure that I have a year from the date of diagnosis to get my cards out!  Please, bear with me.  They’re coming…..eventually!


Kudos to the writers and staff of How I Met Your Mother!  We finally saw Ted’s wife.  I loved the song selection that they chose at the end of season 8, as well – The Shins, Simple Song.  I’m so excited to watch Season 8 from beginning to end as soon as it’s available on Netflix.  I’m sure that I’ll be writing more about the show as I watch the last season in it’s entirety – in like 4 nights!


I became a lifetime member of Weight Watchers last month!  I reached my high goal weight and am 8 pounds away from exactly where I’d like to be.  I’m telling you – this program works.  You just need to follow it.  I knew that I “made it” this morning when our nurse, Lisa, made me get on the scale to get weighed so my Herceptin dose could be lowered!  Sal and I, especially Sal, give this poor nurse such a hard time.  We love her.  Actually, we love everyone in the office.  They’re awesome people to be around.  Anyway, I told Lisa to juice me!  The more Herceptin, the better!  That didn’t go over well!  I’ve been eating so much better.  Sal and I are trying to eliminate meat from our diets.  My cousin, Uncle Bob – long story! – mentioned quinoa to me a few weekends ago.  It’s high in protein so it serves as a substitute for meat much like beans do.  Ann introduced Sal and I to quinoa last night.  Ann is an excellent cook, by the way.  Quinoa reminds me of tofu.  It seems to take on the taste of whatever it’s surrounded by.  Listen, no one likes junk food more than I do, but it just isn’t good for us.  I’ve been buying a lot of organic food and am finding that I really don’t require much to get through the day.  I think that it’s really sickening that it’s cheaper to buy something from the $1 menu than it is to buy fruits and vegetables.  What’s wrong with our country?


I am currently disputing an $1800 bill from my insurance company.  Our insurance doesn’t want to pay for the CYP2D6 test that was done a few months ago.  I’m trying to explain to them that paying for an $1800 test is much more cost effective than having to pay for cancer treatments.  This test was instrumental in determining my maintenance therapy.  The test indicated that Tamoxifen, the drug of choice in premenopausal women with ER+ breast cancer, would not work for me.  It’s bananas!!!


I resigned from my job last week.  My company and my boss, especially, has been wonderful through all of this madness.  However, I am unable to return to work until I’m finished with treatment.  My company, understandably, was not able to hold my job forever.  Thankfully, everything happened on great terms and I hope to be considered for re-employment once it’s time.


Sal and I met with Dr. Peters yesterday and had a very positive appointment.  Through the grace of God, I’ve managed to get through everything – diagnosis, chemo, 2 surgeries, and radiation – unscathed.  I was a relatively healthy young woman prior to being diagnosed with cancer and now I’m healthier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.  I feel great!  Dr. Peters is very happy with everything.  He told me to continue living my life.  I don’t need to see him for 3 more months.  I’m almost ready to start running, weight lifting, and yoga/meditation.  Oh, and I’m going to learn how to play the piano, too!  James and Chase started lessons this afternoon.




Actually, I’ve never felt like giving up.  I’ll never give up.  This just cracked me up.  It really made me laugh and that’s what it’s all about.  Have a great evening!


LIVESTRONG and God Bless!!

4 Responses to “I’m 35!!!!!”

  1. donna recker says:

    never a dull moment. all the more reason to live.

  2. Lisa says:

    I didn’t know it was your birthday also, so Happy Belated Birthday!!! Must have been such a special one considering all you have gone through and conquered!!!Your household sounds like mine did when our girls were small. Trying to get them all ready to leave for work, a kindergartener, 3rd and 4th grader was insane most of the time. I do not have ONE early, happy riser!!!!!! Then we’d all pile in the car to go to the same school, where I would see each one periodically throughout the day!!!! One of the joys, and sometimes downfalls, of having your children in the school you teach in! But it was really great and all our teachers children grew up together!!! We are all still like family, you never lose family!!!!! I have been fortunate enough however, to have a new family at Holy Rosary, something I was so afraid I’d never experience again. BUt wow! I got completely off track!! Sorry Barb!! And all I wanted to say was Happy, happy birthday!!!

  3. Jess says:

    Your smile is as bright and illuminating as ever! You sure have some beautiful children. How lucky they are to be raised in such a loving family. I continue to pray for you all and wish you strength, peace and humor along your journey.

    Happy belated! 🙂 Cheers to starting a new year!!

  4. Barb Marchand says:

    hahahhaha funny ending!!!
    Barb, thanks for sharing all the photos, what a great looking family. congrats to all and happy belated birthday to you and Sal. I don’t know how you fit all the stuff you do into one day!!! organized chaos!!
    so glad you are feeling so well. you have been so positive all along and hearing you say you feel great is so nice to hear.
    prayers continue and enjoy living like the Doc says!

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