

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Living, Fighting, Believing

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I need to do a better job posting every day.  As you can imagine, life with 2 toddlers and a newborn is a bit bananas!  Sal gave me the idea of categorizing every post as “Living, Fighting, or Believing.”  I like the idea, so I’m going to roll with it.  Since I posted last, I was Living, Fighting, Living.

Here’s what’s been going on……as you know, I had my last AC treatment last week.  It went very well, but I tried to overdo it in the days following.

LIVING:  I managed to attend Jameson and Chase’s pumpkin patch field trip on Friday, laundry and church on Saturday, Mother-Son Bowling and soccer on Sunday, and school lunch duty on Monday.

FIGHTING:  After lunch duty, I thought that I was going to fall over.  I honestly don’t know how I managed to drive myself home.  After the AC treatments, I had to take a steroid for 3 days following which gave me insomnia.  So, I would start the 4 days post treatment between 2 and 3 in the morning.  Insomnia + Overdoing it = Exhaustion!  I spent the remainder of Monday and all day Tuesday laying in bed thanks to help from my in-laws, Sam and Hil.  I felt like Cameron Frye from Ferris Bueller……let my Cameron gooooo!!!!  I’m having a difficult time because I don’t want to miss one minute with my kids.  I’m really trying so hard to keep things as normal for them as I can.  If they see me laying in bed then they’ll know that something is wrong.  Sal keeps reminding me that I’m paying a small price now for a lifetime of being with my kids.  I realize that I need to keep a strong mind and body.    A strong body is a well rested one……yada, yada, yada!

LIVING:  Thankfully, by Wednesday, I felt like a new person.  Sal and I visited Penn on Wednesday and Thursday.  I’ll blog about this visit tomorrow.  Anyway, we got to spend some time outside in Philly and even had a nice dinner together last night in the city.  One good thing about all of this is realizing how much we really do like each other!  I feel fortunate in many, many ways.

I’m planning on LIVING all weekend….you should, too!

LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

4 Responses to “Living, Fighting, Believing”

  1. Ann says:

    The last thing you should be worrying about is whether or not you had time to post on your blog. Don’t get me wrong, I adore each and every post, but focus on your health and time spent with your beautiful family! You deserve each incredible second you are blessed with! Love you too much Barb!!

  2. Patrice says:

    Ditto Ann’s comment. Love your blog, but no reason for you to blog unless you really want to. Once a week is great!

    By the way, I agree you have a really weird sense of humor… Honey Badger????

  3. shelley says:

    Ann is right. Dont worry about missing a day of posting here. We understand and we will wait. I used to do the same thing with Liams CarePage and i started to dread it. We will always be here following you every step of the way! Much love…

  4. Lisa says:

    Barb, not blogging for a few days is nothing to feel bad about. As was said before, we will wait, your family is what matters most. But as a side note, I had to have a gyn. procedure done recently and thinking of you took me through it, strong!! I am really such a baby, I think because I have been so very fortunate in my life, especially health wise. When I found out about this procedure, actually a very minor one!!!, I immediately thought, “Look what Barb Sciandra is going through! I can do this!!” So, I just want you to know that you have inspired me and many others, thank you!

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