When I started this journey way back in August, I called cancer a gift. I realize now that I misspoke. I started reading Kris Carr’s book, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, about a week ago. My cousin, Anne – the organic guru, bought it for me. I love Anne….and the book! If you’re at all interested in an easy read that is real, informative, and funny, pick up this book. Kris rocks! Here are Kris’s thoughts on cancer being a “gift”:
I hate using the G-word – you know, cancer is a “Gift.” Yuck. It isn’t! There is no return receipt, and it certainly isn’t a present I’d give to you. “Happy Holidays! Ooh, just what I wanted, cancer, you really shouldn’t have.” Cancer isn’t a puppy, a pony, a new doll, or a shiny truck. Cancer isn’t something to say thank you for, but it can be a catalyst. I finally had permission to take risks, put myself first, and dump my baggage. Yes, it may have been Louis Vuitton, but it still had to go! Why had I neglected myself for so long? I had an inner voice that knew better, so why had I ignored it? – Kris Carr, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
Things are going ok for me right now. I have a few weeks of radiation left and I am really looking forward to being finished. I’m staying positive and there isn’t an ounce of quit in me – quitting has never been an option – but I really hate radiation. I hate everything about it. I look forward to the weekend for different reasons now – I look forward to getting Saturday and Sunday off – from radiation! I actually wake up every morning, Monday through Friday, feeling nauseous because I don’t want to go to my treatment. I hate driving there, I hate sitting in the waiting area, and I hate laying on the table. Do you get my point? I hate radiation!!
Sal and I had a busy day today. We dropped the kids off at school, headed to NROC for an 8:30 radiation appointment, met with Dr. Peters, met with an attorney to have Cameron added to our will, ate a quick breakfast, headed to Kingston to meet with Dr. Saidman, Herceptin treatment next, then we picked the kids up from school, did homework, ate dinner, and headed to tee-ball. I actually took a quick nap today. I was beat. Dr. Peters and Dr. Saidman are both happy with the way that things are going. I’ll be starting Femara the day after my last radiation treatment and will be able to get my port taken out in November after my last Herceptin treatment at the end of October. Yay!!
So, I’m hanging in there right now and am counting down the days until radiation is finished. I have a pretty big blister under my left arm and along my collar bone which I’m using SSD cream for. I joked with one of my friends who loves to sunbathe. My fair, Irish skin is really getting nuked! I told my girlfriend that she’d be asking them to crank up the radiation for a good base tan before the summer begins!
6th Annual Liberty Tax Fundraiser:
Pre-Tournament Mixer
When: Friday, May 24, 2013 Time: 6-9 PM
Where: The Brickhouse, Dupont, PA
$5 donation at the door which includes raffle tickets for Baskets of Cheer
Raffle baskets, 50/50, drink specials
** If anyone feels so inclined, Baskets of Cheer are needed.**
6th Annual Golf Tournament
Benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of Barb Sciandra
Where: Stone Meadows Golf Course (Route 115 Buck Township) Dupont VFW (Dinner)
When: Saturday, May 25, 2013 8 AM Registration, 9 AM Shotgun Start
Format: Captain & Crew
Cost: $80 per golfer (Fees include: green fees, cart, dinner, shirt and prizes) $20 dinner only option
Sponsor Levels: $100 (Gold), $50 (Silver)
For more information, contact Jeanna Mihalka at 570-237-0521.
**If you plan on attending the dinner ONLY, please let Jeanna know by May 12.**
Our friends were also kind enough to set up and online donation site if you wish to do so. The following is the link: http://www.donationto.com/Liberty-Tax-Barb-Sciandra-Fundraiser
I wanted to close with another excerpt from Kris Carr’s book written by Sheryl Crow. Going forward, know that if I’m with you – at a party, at dinner, doing something for you or just hanging out with you that I want to be there.
I remember my radiologist saying to me, “Your mission now is to ask yourself every day, ‘Am I doing what I want to be doing?'” And I do ask myself that, every day. I try to make the answer yes, even if it requires saying the word no and disappointing someone. My experience was about letting go. It was about really experiencing all that was happening at the deepest emotional level, for that is where the big life changes occur. That is where you meet yourself. Where you begin remembering who you are and who you were meant to be. I don’t believe you have to be diagnosed to come to these lessons, but sometimes the catastrophic moments in life force you to focus in on the immediate. – Sheryl Crow, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
LIVESTRONG and God Bless!
Barb keep up your great spirits it’s almost over. Your strength and courage is awesome. I w wouldn’t expect nothing else from you. I love you and god bless
I just totally love your honesty, I think it is so inspirational.
Keep up the good fight.
I know you have helped so many sort out their feeling as well as their lot in life.
Thanks for keeping me grateful as well as grounded.