

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Second Chances

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“It was then that I realized I wasn’t afraid to lose my life; I was afraid to lose the life I could’ve lived.”  – Amanda Nuri, Emerald Butterfly


I really and truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason.  At the time, we might not realize or understand what’s happening or why it’s happening, but things eventually make sense over time.  There is a reason that I had trouble breastfeeding and was diagnosed with cancer after Cameron, our beautiful baby girl, was born.  There is a reason that I was compelled to start blogging about my experience and decided to share it with all of you.  I feel as though I’ve been given a second chance at life.  Remember when I asked if one person can make a difference?  When all of the pomp and circumstance of “Barb Sciandra having cancer” is over, I want to leave something behind that I can feel proud of.  I’m pretty close to pinpointing it.  Right now, my kids are wearing their “Just Do More” bracelets at school for the Lenten season.  That’s what I intend to do.

As I’ve written many times before, I cannot express to you just how much my family and I appreciate the love and support bestowed upon us by all of you, our family and friends.  Since my diagnosis back in August, we have been bombarded with kindness and generosity.  Accepting help from others is not one of our strong suits.  Sal and I would much rather be on the giving end versus the receiving end so we’ve had a very uncomfortable seven months!  I wish that there were words to convey how appreciative we truly are.  Thank you does not seem suffice but it’s really all that I can say.  So, thank you – all of you – once again.

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a friend of ours from high school, Christy Savakinas.  Christy’s brothers own a local Liberty Tax and they host a mixer and golf tournament every year to benefit a different cause.  This year they chose us, The Sciandra Family.  When I spoke to Christy, I was literally speechless.  Ask her!  And, you can ask anyone who knows me – I don’t think I’ve ever been speechless!

With that being said, Sal and I agreed to this honor on one condition – that the money go to a greater cause.  Sal and I are in a much better position than many people going through a similar situation.  I feel truly blessed to have such a strong support system – an army of people, really.  I started thinking about donating it to Susan G. Komen or LIVESTRONG.  I thought about donating it to one of the local organizations that have made a difference in my life.  Then, I thought, “How great would it be to start my own foundation?”  I’m not really sure of all of the details just yet.  I’m brainstorming about quite a few things right now, but my focus keeps coming back to young women diagnosed with cancer – advice, information, support, advocacy, fashion tips.  Even if I donate the money to the University of Pennsylvania – I’m telling you – Dr. Czerniecki is on to something with his vaccine.  It’s going to take some time and some work to get things rolling – whatever I decide to do – but I’m confident that I WILL make a difference and I WILL leave my mark.

I want to thank Bob and Christy Savakinas, Mark and Jeanna Mihalka, and Liberty Tax from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you so much for choosing to bring awareness to breast cancer.  You’ve always been wonderful people and my family and I appreciate your benevolence more that you’ll ever know.

Below is the information about the mixer and the golf tournament.  I hope that if you’re available, you’ll consider supporting a very worthwhile cause.


Pre-Tournament Mixer

When: Friday, May 24, 2013
Time: 6-9 PM
Where: The Brickhouse, Dupont, PA

$5 donation at the door which includes raffle tickets for Baskets of Cheer

Raffle baskets, 50/50, drink specials


6th Annual Golf  Tournament

Benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of Barb Sciandra

Where: Stone Meadows Golf Course (Route 115 Buck Township)
Dupont VFW (Dinner)

When: Saturday, May 25, 2013
8 AM Registration, 9 AM Shotgun Start

Format: Captain & Crew

$80 per golfer (Fees include: green fees, cart, dinner, shirt and prizes)
$20 dinner only option

Sponsor Levels: $100 (Gold), $50 (Silver)

For more information, contact Jeanna Mihalka at 570-237-0521.



As I’ve stated before, in my daily prayers, I pray for those going through a difficult time that are not as fortunate as I am – those who may not have anyone supporting them or praying for them.  Once again, I ask that as you continue to pray for me and my family, please say a special prayer for these individuals, also.  Anyone who believes that people aren’t good are crazy.  There is so much more good than bad in the world, but we usually only read about the bad or see it on the news.  People truly are kind and generous.


“Life has no meaning.  Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life.  It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”  –  Joseph Campbell


LIVESTRONG and God Bless!

4 Responses to “Second Chances”

  1. Barb Marchand says:

    oh rats! gosh, i had written this whole thing about the last 2 posts, lifting Cam, yes on the foundation, but more on writing a book with that humor and insight, prayers at dinner, the whole story of the x-ray tech, hahahhah i can hear the whole thing and so much more; and went back a page to reference something and lost the whole little note i had written……… worries
    just wanted to say great job, you are a busy girl; get it done but don’t wear yourself out, prayers continue;
    you have an unbelievable outlook and appreciation that we should all emulate. thanks for the reminder.
    hoping to see you soon!

  2. Christy Savakinas says:


    You truly are an inspiration! When I brought your name up to benefit the golf tournament, we all knew you would use every last penny to make a difference in others’ lives!! It is our privilege to do this for you, as you would have done the same!!

    In addition to the events, we are looking for hole sponsors, prizes, raffle baskets, etc. if anyone would like to help or donate, please contact Jeanna Mihalka at 570-237-0521.


  3. Stacy Christmas says:

    we would love to be your part of this benefit. I’ll be calling Christy this month!I know that whatever you’ll start will be a true benefit for so many people. You have our support as always! So glad to hear you’re almost there…

  4. donna recker says:

    can`t wait for update

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