So, apparently, chemo makes you tired!
I received chemo on Wednesday and slept for half of the day on Thursday and all day and all night Friday. I started feeling “normal” again around 7pm on Saturday evening but didn’t sleep at all last night……probably because I slept more than I have in years on Friday! All in all, everything is going well. Chase slept at Sal’s parent’s house on Friday evening. It gave Sal, Jameson, and I time time outside laying on a blanket in our yard watching the clouds go by while Cameron slept in her crib. We had a nice family lunch and spent time on the swings in our yard. In going through all of this, I’m realizing that I was living my life too quickly and taking small opportunities such as this for granted. Jameson and Chase, our 2 “big kids”, slept at Sal’s parents house again last night which gave Sal and I some quiet time with the baby. What a blessing! Last night was the first time in about 3 weeks that I felt like nothing was wrong in the world. It was nice having dinner with Sal, just the two of us, while the baby slept. Again, the little things in life are what count.
Now, let’s get to the Elephant in the Room. I’ve run into quite a few of you since this ordeal began. I know it’s awkward, but please just try to remember something. I’m still Barb. I just happen to have cancer at this particular time. It’s temporary, remember? Please don’t treat me any differently or look at me with pity. It’s ok to joke…..even about the cancer or my impending “boob job”. Remember, if you think it’s funny, I’ll think it’s hilarious. Don’t be afraid. My kids are obsessed with my hair falling out, so fire the jokes away!
How about a quick Q&A session today? Please feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about what’s going on. Let’s get started with some questions that I’ve already received:
1. Scott Frazier, I will try to mention your name at least once in every blog entry! Nate Berkus will definitely play you in the movie. That’s a no-brainer. Like you, he’s handsome, smart, witty, stylish, and one hell of an interior designer! As we know, though, Fraz, the world of interior design needs me!
2. Colleen DeFrank and Kristin Lazevnick, I apologize again for the near Christmas Eve mishap of 1995. Let’s just consider it an extremely close call. That might be chalked up as the one true Christmas miracle! God Bless us, every one, is right! Apparently, The Sciandra’s enjoying stealing VHS tapes. Kristin, to answer your question, we would have watched Nestor had we known that we had it. Sal must have had your copy since 1985. I’m just thankful that it’s back in your hands 27 years later!!
3. It seems that this question has been coming up quite a bit. Many of you are wondering why I’m going through chemotherapy prior to the bilateral mastectomy. Here is the reason: The cancer in my left breast is pretty in depth. My skin is involved. Although only a small portion of my skin will be used during the mastectomy, our hope is to kill all of the cancer on the skin prior to the surgery. This gives me my best shot. Chemo is the best way to do that, followed by radiation after the surgery. Make sense?
I realized that I would be remiss without thanking my cousins, Emily Bradshaw and Karen Turi, for also working so hard to get things underway for the walk next weekend. As you all know, I’m not on Facebook, so I’m rather out of the loop. I still don’t even have 1/2 of my family’s e-mail addresses! I know, I know…..and my husband is a computer guy!
The following is pretty difficult for me to discuss. One major problem that Sal and I seem to be having is accepting help from others. There is no way that I’ll ever come close to repaying each and every one of you for your kindness and generosity. It kills me that all I can do is say THANKS from the bottom of our hearts. I feel the love surrounding me, I just hope that all of you can feel it being returned. I’d much rather be on the giving end rather that the receiving end but we’re coming to terms with the fact that it’s just not possible right now. I can’t thank you all enough for the outpouring of love and support. It really does mean the world to me, to Sal, and to our families.
Well, hopefully, I’ve answered some of your questions. Shoot away. Don’t be shy. Have a wonderful day today and a great Labor Day tomorrow.
LIVESTRONG and God Bless!!
P.S. Scott Frazier – one more time for good measure!
So glad you got some time together. There is no need to even think about repaying anyone. We all love and support you and are willing to do anything for you. Please accept it willingly.
I have to ask because my curiosity is killing me – what is the Christmas Eve mishap of 1995? Barb, I know you don’t have time to answer, but I am sure someone else out there knows the story. Please share!
Hey Barb I just spoke with yore aunt tina and she filled me in a bit on your condition. i must say you have a truly awesome aunt and uncle as well as an amazing family and numerous friends who will always be there for you. just remember that with God all things are poissible and miracles do happen and prayers are answered.. I am going to a prayer sevice tonight at St. Joseps in Minooka and we will pray for you and your family. I am very hopeful that God will answer our prayers and that this is just a temporary obstacle that will be overcome.Just remember to live, laugh and love for not one of us is guaranteed a tomorrow.Keep fighting Barb!
So happy to hear that you had family time and quiet time and that you are feeling better after some rest. And The last thing that you need to worry about is repaying anybody. Everybody wants to help and support you because they love you and because you are such a wonderful person and nothing is even remotely expected in return. I do understand what you are saying though but don’t worry about it. People are helping because they want to. As cheesy as it may sound…don’t worry, be happy! Hope you guys have a nice holiday as well!